Internet Programming: Group Project Assignment
"Quizify" is tool to simplify education process for teachers and students. It's an online platform available for everyone, everywhere. No need to attend educational establishments, just get Quizified!
The project is written with Laravel. To run you need php version at least 7.2.5 and MySQL database. After installing php, MySQL database and Composer package manager, you need to fill in the .env file according to the provided example and run the commands below.
# generate laravel app key
php artisan key:generate
# Run database migrations and seeders
php artisan migrate
php artisan db:seed
# or
php artisan migrate:fresh --seed
To run the project, you need to run 2 commands:
# Run php server
php artisan serve
# Listen scss and js file changes (optional)
npm install && npm run watch
One of our members - (Yormukhamedova Shakhnoza U1810140) with username noza0727 is not included in the contributions list for some unknown reason. However, she has been contributing and committing her parts of the project. We kindly ask to check the commits separately for the proof and also 'Insights' to see her actions.
The project has been moved from the original Quizify repository. To track the early stages of development, we recommend looking at the old repository.
The project interface design can be found at the link