xmr_seed_generator (used code from https://xmr.llcoins.net/addresstests.html)
In the cryptocurrency space, generating truly random number is one of the most important thing, which protects your funds from stealing. There are many ways how to generate random number, vast majority of these random numbers are ussually generated by internal processes of computer systems, mixed with different types of "salt" in the form of hdd access, data packets etc.
I dont want to analyze robustness of this processes. I just wanted to construct XMR seed from randomness generated by throwing a dice and once I decided to write some code for it, I would like to do it in a way, that also others could benefit from that.
Basic idea is very simple - by throwing a dice it is possible to generate a string of hexal numbers (0-5). When you have sufficient amount of random hexal numbers in one string, this string could be converted into XMR seed, so whole system of keys, addresses etc is generated from the point, which was chosen by real world randomness and not from some internal CPU block.