This is a sample project for using PhantomJS and JS Test Runner to automate javascript testing. The tests are written using QUnit and Sinon.
The pom has the jetty plug-in for testing on a server.
mvn jetty:run
Once the server is running, use this URL to run the tests in the browser.
When doing a build (mvn install) the tests will be run automatically. The test server will try to bind to port 8080, so either change it or make sure nothing else is using it.
To run the tests in eclipse, you'll need to change the test runner and add this command-line argument:
-Dorg.codehaus.jstestrunner.commandPattern="C:/phantomjs-1.3.0-win32-static/phantomjs.exe '%1$s' %2$s"
See the screenshot runasconfig.png.