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ivmartel edited this page Jan 22, 2025 · 11 revisions

Welcome to the dwv-simplistic wiki!

For now the wiki is used to store unordered notes...


These are the steps needed to create a release.

🚧 Prepare Main branch

  1. checkout main: git checkout main
  2. update: git pull
  3. update the version number to '#.#.#' in package.json and service-worker.js
  4. build: yarn run build
  5. commit: git commit -a -m 'Release v#.#.#'
  6. push: git push origin main

🚀 Create Github release and publish demo

  1. create a github release with the 'v#.#.#' tag on main (this will trigger the CI and create the stable build on the gh-pages branch
  2. publish to npm: npm publish
  3. checkout gh-pages: git checkout gh-pages
  4. update: git pull
  5. zip the demo/stable folder and add it to the release assets

🚧 Post steps

  1. checkout main: git checkout main
  2. update the version number to '#.#.#-beta.0' in package.json and service-worker.js
  3. commit: git commit -a -m 'Bump version to v#.#.#-beta.0'
  4. push: git push origin main