This project contains the code used for my Media Arts honours artwork.
Algorhythmic (2018) is a interactive audiovisual experience featuring generative graphics created with Unity and OpenCV. The program tracks people in a space and represents that movement in virtual space filled with responsive particle systems and objects. The animation is then augmented by the speed and frequencies in the chosen song.
Video documentation :
Portfolio :
As a disclaimer, I am only a student with limited C++ and C# experience so your mileage may vary.
Built Unity 2017.3.1f1 so not guaranteed to work with newer versions
A depth camera that uses openNI (orbbec astra in this case)
OpenCV (custom build with OPENNI2 and opencv world flags, intructions found in "resources/ORBSLAM2_Install_Guide_Win10.pdf" but ignore the orbslam install)
Openni 2 (can be found on Orbbec website:, download openni sdk)
OSCPack (needs to be built in orbbec-blob/oscpack/bin or change the vs project paths accordingly)
Environment variables needed:
Path: add path to opencv\bin and openni\tools to this
OPENCV_DIR: add path to opencv folder
Mirza Beig for particle plexus code
Salocinx's Orbbec+OpenCV+OpenNI guide