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The premium icon pack for Ionic Framework (check out Ionicons website here)


Browse all icons here


Use 700+ SVG ionicons directly in your Elm views. The icons are grouped into:

  • Ionicon
  • Ionicon.Android
  • Ionicon.Ios
  • Ionicon.Social


Elm 0.19

elm install j-panasiuk/elm-ionicons

Elm 0.18

elm package install j-panasiuk/elm-ionicons


Elm 0.19

Elm 0.18

Example use

Each icon expects size (width and height in pixels) and a color

Elm 0.19

import Html exposing (Html, div)
import Ionicon
import Ionicon.Android as Android

main : Html msg
main =
    div []
        [ Ionicon.alert 32 red
        , Android.alarmClock 32 blueish

-- Define your colors

red : RGBA
red =
    RGBA 1 0 0 1

blueish : RGBA
blueish =
    RGBA 0 0 1 0.5

-- Now that `Color` module is gone from core
-- we just represent color as a record with
-- Float values in 0-1 range

type alias RGBA =
    { red : Float
    , green : Float
    , blue : Float
    , alpha : Float

Elm 0.19 + elm-ui

Here is an example how icons could be used as an elm-ui elements

import Element exposing (Element, el, html)
import Ionicon.Social as Social

type alias RGBA =
    { red : Float
    , green : Float
    , blue : Float
    , alpha : Float

type alias Icon msg =
    Int -> RGBA -> Html msg

viewIcon : Icon msg -> Int -> RGBA -> Element msg
viewIcon icon size color =
    el [ centerX, centerY ] <| html <| icon size color

viewLargeGitHubIcon : RGBA -> Element msg
viewLargeGitHubIcon color =
    viewIcon Social.github 80 color

Elm 0.18

import Html exposing (Html, div)
import Color exposing (Color)
import Ionicon
import Ionicon.Android as Android

main : Html msg
main =
    div []
        [ Ionicon.alert 32 red
        , Android.alarmClock 32 blueish

-- Define your colors

red : Color
red =
    Color.rgb 255 0 0

blueish : Color
blueish =
    Color.rgba 0 0 255 0.5

Note: SVG icons vs Font icons

You can also use iconicons as a web font by including a css stylesheet, like link.

<link href="[email protected]/dist/css/ionicons.min.css" rel="stylesheet">

When minified and gzipped these icons weight around 8kB

Before Elm 0.19, using any number of icons from this package meant that code for all 700+ of them was included in your bundle. With 0.19 dead code elimination (elm make --optimize) only the icons that are actually used by your project will be included.

Comparing the two approaches, using a stylesheet is a bit more lightweight and doesn't require adding any elm dependencies. On the other hand with this package you don't rely on external css files from CDN. Also you can use all icons as plain old elm functions and forget about css classes (this is particularly nice if you use mdgriffith/elm-ui)




As always, I would like to thank my Mom! :)


The premium icon font for Ionic Framework. Now available in Elm!








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