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Module: mpd

patrick96 edited this page Feb 20, 2022 · 21 revisions

This module shows information related to MPD.

You must have libmpdclient or libmpdclient-dev installed before you compile polybar. See compiling.

NOTE: The module won't be displayed if the current playlist is empty.

Basic settings

type = internal/mpd

; Host where mpd is running (either ip or domain name)
; Can also be the full path to a unix socket where mpd is running.
host =
port = 6600
password = mysecretpassword

; Seconds to sleep between progressbar/song timer sync
; Default: 1
interval = 2

Additional formatting

; Available tags:
;   <label-song> (default)
;   <label-time>
;   <bar-progress>
;   <toggle> - gets replaced with <icon-(pause|play)>
;   <toggle-stop> - gets replaced with <icon-(stop|play)>
;   <icon-random>
;   <icon-repeat>
;   <icon-repeatone> (deprecated)
;   <icon-single> - Toggle playing only a single song. Replaces <icon-repeatone>
;   <icon-consume>
;   <icon-prev>
;   <icon-stop>
;   <icon-play>
;   <icon-pause>
;   <icon-next>
;   <icon-seekb>
;   <icon-seekf>
format-online = <icon-prev> <icon-seekb> <icon-stop> <toggle> <icon-seekf> <icon-next>  <icon-repeat> <icon-random>  <bar-progress> <label-time>  <label-song>
;format-playing = ${self.format-online}
;format-paused = ${self.format-online}
;format-stopped = ${self.format-online}

; Available tags:
;   <label-offline>
; Default: ""
;format-offline = <label-offline>

; Available tokens:
;   %artist%
;   %album-artist%
;   %album%
;   %date%
;   %title%
; Default: %artist% - %title%
label-song = 𝄞 %artist% - %title%

; Available tokens:
;   %elapsed%
;   %total%
; Default: %elapsed% / %total%
;label-time = %elapsed% / %total%

; Available tokens:
;   None
label-offline = 🎜 mpd is offline

; Only applies if <icon-X> is used
icon-play = ⏵
icon-pause = ⏸
icon-stop = ⏹
icon-prev = ⏮
icon-next = ⏭
icon-seekb = ⏪
icon-seekf = ⏩
icon-random = 🔀
icon-repeat = 🔁
icon-repeatone = 🔂
icon-single = 🔂
icon-consume = ✀

; Used to display the state of random/repeat/repeatone/single
; Only applies if <icon-[random|repeat|repeatone|single]> is used
toggle-on-foreground = #ff
toggle-off-foreground = #55

; Only applies if <bar-progress> is used
bar-progress-width = 45
bar-progress-indicator = |
bar-progress-fill = ─
bar-progress-empty = ─