Using this site, you can easily tweak Dungeons and Dragons ability scores using a custom point buy system.
You are allotted a certain number of points, with each subsequent increase of an ability score it requires more points. When you hit the dropdown on an ability, you can see the increase or decrease in points that selecting that score will give you. Scores that are unattainable due to insufficient points are grayed out and disabled.
You can tweak the settings by pressing the gear icon. This allows you to make the following changes:
- Total Allotted Points: The total amount of points a user can spend on upgrading ability scores
- Minimum Score: The number associated with the first cost, i.e. the default value. This is the minimum score each ability can have.
- Prices: The cost to upgrade to each subsequent ability score inputted as a comma separated list of ascending non-negative integers. The first number is the cost to have the minimum score, the next is to upgrade to the min+1, then min+2 etc.