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This is a table View for jQuery, which is meant to be high-performance, and allow simple user interactions with the UI, such as:

  • Sorting
  • Sorting by more than one column
  • Moving columns
  • Resizing columns
  • Full cell preview when hovering
  • Native RTL support

Other features implemented are:

  • Mix absolute column widths with relative column widths
  • Virtual table mode (to supply high performance with hundreds of thousands of rows). This is the default.
  • Non-virtual table mode is fully supported, but for giant amounts of data it is not recommended.
  • Option to set a fixed width for the table so resizing (relative) columns will still make sure the table will not be less (and/or more) than the specified width.
  • Option to have both scrollbars inside the table. (set width: DGTable.Width.SCROLL)

A few notes:

  • TODO: Have a simple and accurate API documentation here in the readme
  • Currently in virtual table mode - I cannot handle variable height rows.

Dev environment

  • Using grunt over Node.js to automate validating and building.
  • After installing Node.js, use npm install, and npm install -g grunt-cli to prepare building environment.
  • Use grunt style to just test for correct styling.
  • Use grunt build or just grunt to compile for release.
  • I am using Google Closure Compiler, because UglifyJS does not work with the JSDoc, and there's a major difference in size & performance of the output code.
  • Some features of jshint are disabled because it does not work well with JSDoc which is used for Google Closue Compiler.
  • Indentations in my editor are set to 4 spaces, and jshint validates that.


  • Hi! I am Daniel Cohen Gindi. Or in short- Daniel.
  • [email protected] is my email address.
  • That's all you need to know.


I have invested, and investing, a lot of time in this project. If you want to help, you could:

  • Actually code, and issue pull requests
  • Test the library under different conditions and browsers
  • Create more demo pages
  • Spread the word



To create a new table, just use var myTable = new DGTable(INIT_OPTIONS).


  • columns: COLUMN_OPTIONS[] (Array of COLUMN_OPTIONS objects)
    • name: String Name of the column
    • label: String=name Used for the header of this column
    • dataPath: String=name Path to the data to show (Defaults to name)
    • comparePath: String=name Path to the data to use for comparison (Defaults to dataPath)
    • width: Number|String
      • A simple number (i.e 10, 30, 50) will set an absolute width for the column.
      • A percentage (i.e '30%') or a 0-1 decimal value (i.e 0.2, 0.7) will set a relative width for the column, out of the full table's width.
      • Any other value, like 0, null etc. will set an automatic width mode, base of the header's content length.
    • resizable: Boolean=true Is this column resizable?
    • sortable: Boolean=true Is this column sortable?
    • movable: Boolean=true Is this column movable?
    • visible: Boolean=true Is this column visible?
    • cellClasses: String Classes to add to the DOM element of this cell
    • ignoreMin: Boolean=false Should this column ignore the minimum width specified for the table columns?
  • height: Number Suggested height for the table
  • width: DGTable.Width=DGTable.Width.NONE The way that the width of the table will be handled
    • DGTable.Width.NONE: No special handling
    • DGTable.Width.AUTO: Sets the width automatically
    • DGTable.Width.SCROLL: Creates a horizontal scroll when required
  • virtualTable: Boolean=true When set, the table will work in virtual mode, which means only the visible rows are rendered. Rows must have fixed height in this mode.
  • resizableColumns: Boolean=true Turns on or off the resizable columns globally.
  • movableColumns: Boolean=true Turns on or off the movable columns globally.
  • sortableColumns: Number=1 How many columns can you sort by, one after another?
  • adjustColumnWidthForSortArrow: Boolean=true When set, the columns will automatically grow to accommodate for the sort arrow.
  • relativeWidthGrowsToFillWidth: Boolean=true When set, relative width columns automatically grow to fill the table's width.
  • relativeWidthShrinksToFillWidth: Boolean=false When set, relative width columns automatically shrink to fill the table's width.
  • convertColumnWidthsToRelative: Boolean=false When set, auto-width columns are automatically converted to relatives.
  • cellClasses: String Classes to add to the DOM element of all cells
  • sortColumn: String|String[]|COLUMN_SORT_OPTIONS|COLUMN_SORT_OPTIONS[] Columns to sort by
    • Can be a column or an array of columns.
    • Each column is a String or a COLUMN_SORT_OPTIONS:
    • column: String Column name
    • descending: Boolean=false Is this column sorted in descending order?
  • cellFormatter: Function(String value, String columnName, Object rowData)String (optional) A formatter function which will return the HTML for the cell. By default the formatter is a plain HTML formatter.
  • headerCellFormatter: Function(String value, String columnName)String (optional) A formatter function which will return the HTML for the cell's header. By default the formatter is a plain HTML formatter.
  • rowsBufferSize: Number=10 The size of the rows buffer, for virtual table
  • minColumnWidth: Number=35 In pixels, the minimum width for a column
  • resizeAreaWidth: Number=8 The size of the area where you can drag to resize.
  • onComparatorRequired: Function(String columnName, Boolean descending):{Function(a,b):boolean} A callback that can pass a comparator function for each column and mode as required.
  • resizerClassName: String='dgtable-resize' Class name for the dragged resizing element (showing when resizing a column)
  • tableClassName: String='dgtable' Class name for the table
  • allowCellPreview: Boolean=true When set, hovering on truncated cells will show a preview of the full content.
  • allowHeaderCellPreview: Boolean=true Allow for toggling off allowCellPreview for headers specifically.
  • cellPreviewAutoBackground: Boolean=true When set, the preview cell will receive its background automatically from the cell.
  • cellPreviewClassName: String='dgtable-cell-preview' Class name for the cell preview element
  • className: String='dgtable-wrapper' Element class name.
  • el: Element? Optional element to take over

Events triggered by DGTable:

  • renderskeleton: The table is re-drawing it's base elements, including headers. Will always be followed by a render event.
  • render: The table has finished rendering (after adding rows etc.).
  • cellpreview: We are about to show a cell preview.
    • 1st argument: Preview's DOM element
    • 2nd argument: Row's index - or null for header
    • 3rd argument: Column's name
    • 4th argument: Row's data - if applicable
    • At this stage you can prevent showing the preview, by calling table.hideCellPreview
  • cellpreviewdestroy: Cell preview element is about to be destroyed after hiding
    • 1st argument: Preview's DOM element
    • 2nd argument: Row's index
    • 3rd argument: Column's name
    • You can use this event to release any resources that you may have used in cellPreview event.
  • headerrowcreate: The header row has just been created
    • 1st argument: Row's DOM element
  • headerrowdestroy: Called just before removing the physical header row element from the table
    • 1st argument: Row's DOM element
  • rowcreate: A row has just been created
    • 1st argument: Row's index in the currently filtered data set
    • 2nd argument: Row's index in the data set
    • 3nd argument: Row's DOM element
    • 4th argument: Row's data
  • rowdestroy: Called just before removing a physical row element from the table
    • 1st argument: Row's DOM element
  • addrows: Data rows have been added to the table
    • 1st argument: How many rows
    • 2nd argument: Is this a replace? In other word, were the old rows removed?
  • addcolumn: A column was added
    • 1st argument: The column's name
  • removecolumn: A column was removed
    • 1st argument: The column's name
  • movecolumn: A column was moved
    • 1st argument: The column's name
    • 2nd argument: From index
    • 3nd argument: To index
  • showcolumn: A column was shown
    • 1st argument: The column's name
  • hidecolumn: A column was hidden
    • 1st argument: The column's name
  • columnwidth: A column was resized
    • 1st argument: The column's name
    • 2nd argument: Old width
    • 3nd argument: New width
  • filter: A filter was applied
    • 1st argument: The column's name
    • 2nd argument: The filter keyword
    • 3nd argument: Case sensitive?
  • sort: The data was sorted
    • 1st argument: Array of sort constructs [{ "column": "column's name", "descending": true/false }, ...]
  • headercontextmenu: A context menu should be shown for a header cell
    • 1st argument: The column's name
    • 2nd argument: pageX of the pointer event
    • 3rd argument: pageY of the pointer event
    • 4th argument: the bounds of the header cell on the page {"left": offset().left, "top": offset().top, "width": outerWidth(), "height": outerHeight()}
  • Member functions:
  • on(eventName, {Function?} callback): Adds an event listener
  • once(eventName, {Function?} callback): Adds a one-shot event listener
  • off(eventName, {Function?} callback): Removes an event listener
  • render(): Renders the view. Should be called after adding to the DOM, and when the viewport has changed and the table has no knowledge of it.
  • clearAndRender({Boolean} render = true): Forces a full render of the table
  • setColumns({COLUMN_OPTIONS[]} columns, {Boolean} render = true) {DGTable}: Sets the table columns
  • addColumn({COLUMN_OPTIONS} columnData, {String|Number} before = -1, {Boolean} render = true) {DGTable}: Add a column to the table
    • columnData: Column properties. Same manner as in the columns options when initializing the DGTable
    • before: Column name or order to be inserted before.
    • returns Self, to allow for call chaining.
  • removeColumn({String} column, {Boolean} render = true) {DGTable}: Remove a column from the table
    • column: Column name
    • returns Self, to allow for call chaining.
  • filter({String} column, {String} filter, {Boolean} caseSensitive=false) {DGTable}: Remove a column from the table
    • column: Name of the column to filter on
    • filter: Check specified column for existence of this string
    • caseSensitive: Use caseSensitive filtering
    • returns Self, to allow for call chaining.
  • setColumnLabel({String} column, {String} label) {DGTable}: Set a new label to a column
    • column: Name of the column
    • label: New label for the column
    • returns Self, to allow for call chaining.
  • moveColumn({String|Number} src, {String|Number} dest) {DGTable}: Move a column to a new position
    • src: Name or position of the column to be moved
    • dest: Name of the column currently in the desired position, or the position itself
    • returns Self, to allow for call chaining.
  • sort({String} column, {Boolean?} descending, {Boolean=false} add) {DGTable}: Sort the table. This does not render automatically, so you may need to call render() too.
    • src: Name of the column to sort on
    • descending: Sort in descending order (if not specified, defaults to false or reverses current descending mode if sorting by same column)
    • add: Should this sort be on top of the existing sort? (For multiple column sort)
    • returns Self, to allow for call chaining.
  • resort() {DGTable}: Re-sort the table using current sort specifiers. This does not render automatically, so you may need to call render() too.
    • returns Self, to allow for call chaining.
  • setColumnVisible({String} column, {Boolean} visible) {DGTable}: Show or hide a column
    • column: Unique column name
    • visible: New visibility mode for the column
    • returns Self, to allow for call chaining.
  • isColumnVisible({String} column, {Boolean} visible) {Boolean}: Get the visibility mode of a column
    • returns True if visible
  • setMinColumnWidth({Number} minColumnWidth) {DGTable}: Globally set the minimum column width
    • minColumnWidth: Minimum column width
    • returns Self, to allow for call chaining.
  • getMinColumnWidth() {Number}: Get the current minimum column width
    • returns Minimum column width
  • setSortableColumns({Number} sortableColumns) {DGTable}: Set the limit on concurrent columns sortedh
    • sortableColumns: Minimum column width
    • returns Self, to allow for call chaining.
  • getSortableColumns() {Number}: Get the limit on concurrent columns sorted
    • returns How many sortable columns are allowed?
  • getHeaderRowElement() {Element}: Get the DOM element of the header row
    • returns a DOM element
  • setMovableColumns({Boolean} movableColumns) {DGTable}: Undocumented yet
  • getMovableColumns() {Boolean}: Undocumented yet
  • setResizableColumns({Boolean} resizableColumns) {DGTable}: Undocumented yet
  • getResizableColumns() {Boolean}: Undocumented yet
  • setComparatorCallback({Function(String,Boolean)Function(a,b)Boolean} comparatorCallback) {DGTable}: Undocumented yet
  • setColumnWidth({String} column, {Number|String} width) {DGTable}: Undocumented yet
  • getColumnWidth({String} column) {String|null}: Undocumented yet
  • getColumnConfig({String} column name) {SERIALIZED_COLUMN}: Undocumented yet
  • getColumnsConfig() {Object}: Undocumented yet
  • getSortedColumns() {Array.<SERIALIZED_COLUMN_SORT>}: Undocumented yet
  • getHtmlForCell({Number} row, {String} columnName) {String}: Undocumented yet
  • getDataForRow({Number} row) {Object}: Gets the row data for a specific row
    • returns row data of the row at physical index row
  • getRowCount() {Number}: Gets the number of rows
    • returns the number of rows
  • getDataForFilteredRow({Number} row) {Object}: Undocumented yet
  • getRowElement({Number} physicalRowIndex) {Element?}: Returns the element of the row specified
  • tableWidthChanged() {DGTable}: Undocumented yet
  • tableHeightChanged() {DGTable}: Undocumented yet
  • addRows({Object[]} data) {DGTable}: Undocumented yet
  • removeRow({Number} physicalRowIndex, {Boolean=true} render) {DGTable}: Undocumented yet
  • refreshRow({Number} physicalRowIndex) {DGTable}: Refreshes the row specified
    • returns Self
  • refreshAllVirtualRows() {DGTable}: Refreshes all virtual rows
    • returns Self
  • setRows({Object[]} data) {DGTable}: Undocumented yet
  • getUrlForElementContent({string} id) {string?}: Undocumented yet
  • isWorkerSupported() {Boolean}: Undocumented yet
  • createWebWorker({string} url) {Worker?}: Undocumented yet
  • unbindWebWorker({Worker} worker) {DGTable}: Undocumented yet
  • hideCellPreview() {DGTable}: Hide any cell preview showing currently, or prevent showing a cell preview from within the cellpreview event.
  • close(): Destroy the table and free all of its memory.


All the code here is under MIT license. Which means you could do virtually anything with the code. I will appreciate it very much if you keep an attribution where appropriate.

The MIT License (MIT)

Copyright (c) 2013 Daniel Cohen Gindi ([email protected])

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.



A jQuery high-performance table for web-apps







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  • JavaScript 76.6%
  • HTML 17.6%
  • CSS 5.8%