Releases: jacobr1227/double_seals
Marketplace Release version
Trying this again because github hates me and didn't run the action on the last one. Hopefully the version numbers are good.
Modifying release format to be in line with the new index format.
This should be the final version, bar any bug fixes or formatting changes to keep it up to date with balamod.
- Adds in the 3 new Spectral cards to create new seals.
- Fixes the bug with card labels in the 'Seals' Collection.
- Adds a new function and some better formatting to the API.
Contains 8 new seals total! All seals can be acquired via packs or by using the 'Certificate' joker.
In the future there will be some new spectral cards to coincide with this, but for the moment, only seals.
For a faster download, use the included zip file. Download the full source code only if you want my gifs, you weirdo.
Contains the 4 base seals, and support for some future mods I will be releasing (and likely updating this mod for).
Seals can be acquired via standard boosters and the Certificate joker. Plans for adding Spectral cards to add the seals are in the future.