Welcome to the TDraw-Web repository! This repository contains the source code for the frontend website of TDraw (located at https://tdraw.jaeheonshim.dev). You can also view TDraw-Server, which is responsible for running the code in the backend, and TDraw-Engine, the Java library behind TDraw's code.
TDraw is a turtle graphics platform built on Java. Users can execute their Turtle graphics code on the website and step through their drawing frame-by-frame. TDraw also provides numerous examples to get beginners started, and also offers a comprehensive documentation. Best of all, TDraw is completely free and open-source.
Simply visit https://tdraw.jaeheonshim.dev to get started!
TDraw was created as a teaching tool for my high school's computer science club. Since high schoolers opting to take a computer science class learn AP Computer Science at our school, we figured it would be best to build our lessons off of the Java programming language.
However, I could not find a good Java turtle graphics platform for us to use. Therefore, I sat down and created one of my own.
For our lessons, we put up drawings as challenges for the students to draw, and offered prizes to those who could recreate them the fastest.
I think it would be cool to have a system where users can share their drawings with others. Perhaps if I have some free time I will pursue this project :)