The Deployer command line tool allows to synchronize a local with a remote directory.
A simple Yaml configuration file eases the complexity of handling connection data to different remote servers by providing support for
- multiple targets - e.g. development, stage or production servers
- excluding special files or directories - e.g. cache, logs, configuration files
- command hooks - e.g. to clear a cache or rebuilding search indices after deployment
The configuration allows to merge default settings with specific target settings to avoid redundancy.
Using the Deployer is dead simple:
$ deployer
You'll be guided through a short interactive process asking for
- the local source directory to be synced - defaults to the current directory
- a target name that defines the remote server (e.g. "dev", "stage", "prod") - defaults to "dev"
The detailed target data is read from the configuration file .deployer.yml
in the local source
The deployment process then starts with a dry run (preview). You'll see a detailed list of what will happen during the deployment process. If you are ready to go the deployment will roll out after prompting for your final confirmation.
You'll need the following software installed on your server:
- OS: *nix
- PHP > 5.3.2
- rsync
- ssh
For the recommended way of installation you may also need to install:
- git
- wget
Deployer depends on some Symfony components. All dependencies are usally resolved and installed by Composer as you'll see below.
Run the following commands:
$ cd /install/dir
$ git clone
$ cd deployer
$ wget
$ php composer.phar install
Deployer is now installed on your system.
If you want to use the deployer
command without specifing the whole path to the installation
directory over an over again just create a symbolic link to it in a directory which is included
in your PATH environment variable, e.g.:
$ cd ~/bin
$ ln -s /path/to/deployer/bin/deployer deployer
Now you're able to call the deployer
command from everywhere on your system.
Before the first deployment of a project or directory you have to save the configuration into a
file called .deployer.yml
inside the root of your local source directory. It defines the target
server(s), exclude files and command hooks. Please note that only a hostname alias is used in the Deployer
configuration. You need to setup a key based SSH authentication using the ~/.ssh/config
(tutorial)) so that Deployer
can safely connect to your remote server(s).
Here is a sample configuration:
default: # Configuration used by **ALL targets**
target: # Details about the remote host
host: ALIAS # Hostname alias according to your ~/.ssh/config file
commands: # Commands that may be hooked into the deployment process
pre_deploy: # Array of commands to be executed before the deployment on the local server
- app/console assetic:dump --env=prod --no-debug
post_deploy: # Array of commands to be executed after the deployment on the remote server
- app/console cache:clear
- ...
excludes: | # Files to be excluded from the deployment
dev: # Aditional configuration for the **dev** target only
dir: /path/to/dev/project/dir/on/remote/host
excludes: |
stage: # Aditional configuration for the **stage** target only
dir: /path/to/stage/project/dir/on/remote/host
excludes: |
prod: # Aditional configuration for the **prod** target only
dir: /path/to/prod/project/dir/on/remote/host
excludes: |
The custom target configuration will be merged with the default configuration. All custom target settings
will either take precedence over the default settings (target|host
, target|dir
) or will be added to
the default settings (commands|post_commit
, excludes
). Thus, you'll have a minimum effort to write your
configuration and there are no redundancies.
The usual way of deployment is to execute Deployer from within the local source directory
$ cd /path/to/local/project/directory
After setting up the .deployer.yml
in this directory (before first deployment only) you just need to
execute the deployer
command to start the above described deployment process:
$ deployer