npm install
- Create a file /src/config/db.config.js that exports a json object with the following database information:
module.exports = {
HOST: 'localhost',
DB: <database-name>,
USER: <username>,
PASSWORD: <password>,
PORT: <port default is set to 3306>
- Create a file /src/config/auth.config.js that exports a json object with a secret key used by jsonwebtokens to create an access token
module.exports = {
secret: '<secret-key>',
- Create Roles
- This is a role based application. As a result, one needs to initialize the roles that the system will be using when first creating the application
- Uncomment the following section found in /app.js. Create your desired roles within the initializeRoleTable function and start the server (remove the code after running once):
// Add roles to the role table
const db = require('./src/models');
const Role = db.role;
function initializeRoleTable() {
npm start
- In order to run tests, a config file has to be made that stores a user's email and password /src/config/test.config.js:
module.exports = {
email: <user email>,
password: <user password>,
npm run test
npm run lint