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Boilerplate for building mobile applications using React Native in Typescript

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Boilerplate React Native

This is a boilerplate repository for React Native projects.

NOTE: If you're trying to set up this project on a Windows machine, please read the following:

Environment Setup

When cloning the app and using it for projects, a few things need to be updated as outlined below:

Setup Environment

  • Install Node v22:
    • For macOS:
    brew install node@22
    • For Linux:
    curl -fsSL | bash
    nvm install 22
    nvm use 22
    • For Windows:
    • Open a new terminal and run:
      nvm install 22
      nvm use 22

Install Watchman

  • macOS (Recommended):

    brew install watchman
  • Linux & Windows: Follow the official documentation.

  • Download and install JDK 17:

    • macOS:
    brew install openjdk@17
  • Linux:

    sudo apt install openjdk-17-jdk
  • Windows:

    choco install openjdk17

Set Up Environment Variables for Java

After installation, configure JAVA_HOME:

  • macOS/Linux: Add this to your ~/.zshrc or ~/.bashrc:
    export JAVA_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home -v 17)
    export PATH="$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH"
  • Windows:
    • Go to System Properties > Advanced > Environment Variables
    • Add a new variable: JAVA_HOME = C:\Program Files\OpenJDK\jdk-17
    • Add %JAVA_HOME%\bin to the Path variable.

Install Yarn

The installation method for Yarn depends on how Node.js is set up on your system. To ensure compatibility, refer to the official Yarn installation guide.

If you installed Node.js using NVM (recommended), you can enable Corepack to use the bundled Yarn:

corepack enable
yarn -v # Verify installation

Setup Project

  • Update name and displayName in app.json.
  • Update the name of the app in the package.json file.
  • Update sonar.projectKey in the file.
  • Update the package name of CatContextProvider in the src/components/brand/brand.test.tsx file.
  • Update the image in:
    • docker-compose.yml
    • docker-compose.test.yml
  • Update the project name in:
    • .github/workflows/preview_on_pr_update.yml
    • .github/workflows/production_on_push.yml

Android Setup


  • Install Android Studio
  • Install Android SDK & Emulator:
    • Open Android Studio > Preferences > Appearance & Behavior > System Settings > Android SDK
    • Install the latest SDK tools and Emulator
  • Set Up Environment Variables:
    export ANDROID_HOME=$HOME/Library/Android/sdk
    export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_HOME/emulator
    export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools

For more details, go to React Native Environment Setup.

Update Android Project

  • Go to the android folder.
  • Update in settings.gradle.
  • Update the namespace and applicationId in app/build.gradle.
  • Update the folder/directory names app/src/debug/java/com/boilerplate, app/src/main/java/com/boilerplate, and app/src/release/java/com/boilerplate according to your project name.
  • Update the package name in app/src/debug/java/com/boilerplate/ and app/src/release/java/com/boilerplate/
  • Update the package name and method getMainComponentName() in app/src/main/java/com/boilerplate/
  • Update the package name in app/src/main/java/com/boilerplate/ and app/src/main/java/com/boilerplate/
  • Update app_name in app/src/main/res/values/strings.xml.
  • For Android icon updates, use EasyAppIcon or similar websites that create a folder with all sizes of the icon, then update the folders in android/app/src/main/res accordingly.

iOS Setup


  • Install Xcode

  • Install ruby:

    • For macOS:
      brew install rbenv ruby-build
      rbenv install 3.2.2
      rbenv global 3.2.2
    • For Linux:
      sudo apt install rbenv
      rbenv install 3.2.2
      rbenv global 3.2.2
  • Install CocoaPods:

    • Run the following commands:
      sudo gem install activesupport -v 7.1.2
      sudo gem install cocoapods
  • Install required pods:

    cd ios && pod install

For more details, go to React Native Environment Setup.

Update iOS Project

  • Go to the ios folder.
  • Rename folders Boilerplate.... according to your project name.
  • Delete the project.pbxproj file in the Boilerplate.xcodeproj folder.
  • Delete the Boilerplate.xcscheme file in the Boilerplate.xcodeproj/xcshareddata/xcschemes folder.
  • Update FileRef location in Boilerplate.xcworkspace/contents.xcworkspacedata
  • Update self.moduleName in Boilerplate/
  • Update CFBundleDisplayName in Boilerplate/Info.plist
  • Update label in Boilerplate/LaunchScreen.storyboard
  • Update interface and implementation in BoilerplateTests/BoilerplateTests.m
  • Update target in Podfile (main and Tests)
  • Delete Podfile.lock file
  • Install pod.
    • run pod install command (in ios/ folder)

Setup Datadog

Set up a RUM React Native Monitoring and specify application details in the UI.

  • In Datadog, navigate to UX Monitoring > Setup & Configurations > New Application.
  • Choose react-native as the application type.
  • Provide an application name to generate a unique Datadog application ID and client token.
  • To disable automatic user data collection for either client IP or geolocation data, uncheck the boxes for those settings.

For more details, go to the Datadog documentation.

Setup Logger

Currently, there are two logging options: console logger and Datadog logger, with the console logger set as the default. To use the Datadog logger, adjust the environment variable LOGGER to datadog. For seamless integration with Datadog's log manager within GitHub Codespaces, configure the following environment variables: DD_CLIENT_TOKEN, DD_ENVIRONMENT_NAME, and DD_APPLICATION_ID. You can obtain these credentials from your Datadog account. To use both the console and Datadog loggers simultaneously, set the LOGGER environment variable to console,datadog.

Setup Deployment for Android App on Production


  • Setup the app on Google Play Console and complete all the requirements.

  • Generate an upload key and keystore using this guide.

  • Ensure at least one version of the application is uploaded on Google Play Console in the Production track.

  • Generate a Google Service Account Key and add the Google Service account to Google Play Console using the following steps:

    1. Enable the Google Play Developer API by selecting an existing Google Cloud Project that fits your requirement and clicking ENABLE.
    • If you don't have an existing project or prefer to have a dedicated one for deployment, create a new one and follow the instructions.
    1. Open Service Accounts on Google Cloud and select the project you'd like to use.
    • Click the CREATE SERVICE ACCOUNT button at the top of the Google Cloud Platform Console page.
    • Verify that you are on the correct Google Cloud Platform Project by checking the Google Cloud Project ID from earlier, visible in the light gray text in the second input, preceding Alternatively, you can verify the project name in the navigation bar. If not, open the project picker in the top navigation bar, and select the correct one.
    • Provide a Service account name (e.g., android-supply).
    • Copy the generated email address noted below the Service account ID field for later use.
    • Click DONE (do not click CREATE AND CONTINUE as the optional steps such as granting access are not needed).
    • Click on the Actions vertical three-dot icon of the service account you just created.
    • Select Manage keys from the menu.
    • Click ADD KEY → Create New Key.
    • Ensure JSON is selected as the Key type, and click CREATE.
    • Save the file on your computer when prompted and remember its location.
    1. Open the Google Play Console and select Users and Permissions.
    • Click Invite new users.
    • Paste the email address you saved earlier into the email address field.
    • Click on Account Permissions.
    • Choose the permissions you'd like this account to have. We recommend Admin (all permissions), but you may want to manually select all checkboxes and leave out some of the Releases permissions, such as Release to production, exclude devices, and use Play App Signing.
    • Click on Invite User.

Setting Up Github Workflow

  1. Go to your GitHub repo Settings, then Secrets and Variables -> Actions.
  2. Click on New Repository Secret and add the following secrets:
      • GitHub secrets only accept string values. For certain credentials (e.g., .jks or .json files), convert the file to a base64-encoded string before adding it to GitHub secrets. Use this command to convert and copy the resulting string:
        base64 -i your_google_service_account_key.json | pbcopy
        Paste the copied string into the value of the repository secret on GitHub.
    • KEYSTORE_FILE: The base64-encoded .jks or .keystore file used to sign your Android builds generated earlier. Convert the keystore file into a base64-encoded string with:
      base64 -i your_keystore_file.jks | pbcopy
      Paste the copied string into the value of this secret.
    • KEYSTORE_PASSWORD: The password associated with the keystore file.
    • KEY_ALIAS: The key store alias.
    • KEY_PASSWORD: The private key password.

Running Application

yarn start  # To start the metro bundler, in a dedicated terminal window
yarn android # Run on Android Emulator
yarn ios     # Run on iOS Simulator (macOS only)

Using Localhost Backend on Android

To use the localhost backend endpoint on Android, you need to follow one of these steps:

  • Expose your local backend using ngrok or any other similar software.
  • Use adb reverse tcp to forward the port from your machine to the Android device:
    adb -s <emulator_device_id> reverse tcp:<localhost_port> tcp:<localhost_port>

Then, update the API_BASE_URL in your .env file accordingly.

Troubleshooting guides

  • In MacBook, you'll get a warning prompt similar to this - XXXXX Can't be opened because it is unidentified developer, when you try to launch android emulator. To fix this, follow these steps:
    Click on Cancel on the message,
    Now go to Apple Menu: System Preferences... / System Settings...
    Click on Privacy & Security
    Here you should see "Allow apps downloaded from: "Android Emulator" was blocked from use because it is not from an identified developer."
    Click on open Anyways
    You will again see a warning prompt saying "Running "Android Emulator" will harm your computer"
    Click on open