Install Random Signature Quotes for Gmail™ from the Chrome Web Store.
Copyright 2013, 2014, 2022, 2023, 2024 James Mortensen
I made this extension because I couldn't find a tool to let me randomly inject my own user-selected quotes into my email signature. I specifically wanted the quotes to be hand-selected.
Since there wasn't an existing solution, I made one.
The best option for managing the quotes is to use the quote manager. On the right side of the address bar in your Gmail tab, click the page action icon. This pulls up a nice quote editor where you can add quotes, edit quotes, and remove quotes.
The JSON array importer is still available by clicking the "JSON Panel" link in the bottom left of the quote manager. Just be sure to save that data to a backup file, just in case, as the JSON Panel is difficult to use.
In case it isn't clear, this is licensed under the MIT License. So do with this what you please.
// @history 0.9 initial beta release to the public in Github
// @history 0.9.2 initial beta release to the public in the Chrome Web Store with Stack Exchange flair import support
// @history Added in more quotes, upgraded jQuery to 2.1.0.
// @history 0.9.3 Modified the quote manager to make it easier to use.
// @history 1.0.0 Deployed 1.0.0 to the Chrome Web Store.
// @history 2.0.0 Upgrade to manifest v3. Added ability to have quotes with replies.
// @history 2.0.1 Fixed bug where only the 29th quote in the list is inserted.
// @history 2.0.2 Fixed bug where JSON panel wouldn't load/save quotes. Fixed bug where default quotes not loaded on installation.
// @history 2.0.3 Fixed issue where Google removed deprecated DOMNodeInserted event, preventing quote insertion. Replaced with MutationObserver. Initial release for the Firefox browser.