The quickest and easiest way to start a Node web app that uses the REST APIs.
This application has everything you need to start building web apps that use the REST APIs. How it works:
- Instant deployment on the cloud with Heroku
- Everything for local development including: Node & the Atom code editor
- Super easy deployment of changes using Atom (no git or command lines necessary)
Go for it:
- View the newly deployed application and follow the instructions to setup an OAuth Connected App in Salesforce and then set the config in your Heroku app
- Setup a local development environment by downloading your app's source:
- Unzip the archive and launch
- this will launch Atom and the Node server - Check out the local app at: http://localhost:5000
- Again follow the instructions in your local app to setup another OAuth Connected App for local development
- Make and test some local changes to the app
- Deploy those changes from Atom using the Heroku menu (Login, then Deploy)