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Shuffle is a friendship finding app targeted to connect those with similar music tastes by allowing users to use their Spotify data to create their profiles, giving an accurate depiction of one’s music tastes. *Winner of the GDUSA 2021 Web Design Award*

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Repository files navigation

Shuffle Web App


1. Initialize the app

  1. In the Command Line, navigate to the directory idm372
  2. Download node_modules using: npm install
  3. Install nodemon globally using npm i nodemon -g
  4. Fix any npm issues by running npm audit fix
  5. Go to Microsoft Teams and download the secret/ folder and the .env file from the General Channel > Files Tab > Back End Development/Secret Keys/
  6. Copy both the folder and file to the root of the project.
  7. Downloading the .env file from Teams will likely rename it to just env, name it back to .env

2. Run the app

  1. Run the command nodemon server.js to startup the express server
    • nodemon watches the files for changes and refreshes the server
    • if you run into an error saying "Cannot be loaded because running scripts is disabled on this system":
      • hit CTRL/CMD + SHIFT + P and type settings
      • next open Prefences: Open Settings (JSON)
      • add this line inside of the brackets "": ["-ExecutionPolicy", "Bypass"]
      • save this file and restart VSCode
      • re-run the command
  2. The server will then be running on localhost:8888
  3. In a new terminal tab/window, run the command npm run dev to build the files for development
    • Webpack will compile all files and watch for changes on save
  4. Go to localhost:8888 in your preferred browser to view the build

Working with the files

  • !!! Before making any changes, branch off of the main using git checkout -b (insert issue name here) (make sure you pull first using git pull origin main)
  • If you see any issues or are assigned a task for the week, create a ticket/issue for it
  • !!! Create a new branch for your work titled the same as the ticket issue e.g. git checkout -b Issue-#7 – this will sync the commits with the ticket so you can reference them in a pull request to show the changes that were fixed/worked on
    • When pushing changes from the branch use git push --set-upstream origin *branch name*
  • Make sure you create a pull request when finished
    • For organization of the repo, use emojis when writing commits messages e.g. :lipstick: styled footer navigation
    • Using emojis on commit messages provides an easy way of identifying the purpose or intention of a commit


  • All pages live inside the views folder at the root and use the .ejs templating language
  • The url, page title, and location of the .ejs templates are stored as values in src/scripts/config/endpoints.json
    • This allows us to dynamically changes these values globally so that we don't have to manually change each value on each template e.g. endpoints.pages.registerAnthem.url
  • In src/scripts/routes, there is a file called routes.js which renders these pages

Creating New Pages

  1. Create a new .ejs template for the page you want to create e.g. chat.ejs
  2. In src/scripts/routes/routes.js, create a new function for this page underneath the others (using formatting as a reference)
    1. Use res.render to load up an .ejs view file

Styling Elements

  • All styles use Sass | .scss
    • View the link to learn about nesting, partials, variables, extending, etc.
  • src/styles/main.scss is the master file for all of these files, webpack will import all of the partials into this this file and compile them into a .css file in public/dist/css (this will be re-compiled everytime you save)
    • Each partial is broken out based on function, use this format for creating new files


  • If you are running into terminal errors for express or webpack, try re-running the commands for each
    • Express: nodemon server.js
    • Webpack: npm run dev


  • Helpful VSCode plugins TODO Highlight & Todo Tree
    • These allow you to leave notes in certain areas of the project as a TODO list so you can come back to it later
    • Todo Tree adds a sidebar icon to VSCode which shows where every TODO note you left is so you can keep track of what's left


Shuffle is a friendship finding app targeted to connect those with similar music tastes by allowing users to use their Spotify data to create their profiles, giving an accurate depiction of one’s music tastes. *Winner of the GDUSA 2021 Web Design Award*







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Contributors 4
