Julia wrapper for the Factorial Snow Model (original code available on this homepage). For installing the package, run the following code:
The example below runs one model combination and plots the results (requires the PyPlot.jl and Plots.jl packages).
using JFSM
using PyPlot
am = 0;
cm = 0;
dm = 0;
em = 0;
hm = 0;
metdata = readdlm(joinpath(Pkg.dir("JFSM"), "data\\met_CdP_0506.txt"), Float32);
md = FsmType(am, cm, dm, em, hm);
hs = run_fsm(md, metdata);
The example folder contains code for running all model combinations and also a simple particle filter implementation:
cd(joinpath(Pkg.dir("JFSM"), "examples"))