The scope here is to create a singular script that can be run to set up a full terminal environment for any machine that I may be working on. Currently, it pulls the following items:
- ZSH (incl. oh-my-zsh, completions, autosuggestions and syntax highlighting)
- Dracula themes (ZSH, vim)
- Vim (incl. Pathogen, nerdtree, terminus)
- Ranger file browser, thefuck, CLI tools for cloud management, and more
- My personal dotfiles
- For Fedora:
bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
Review and update any broken dependencies
While this is a personal project, I'm more than happy to review feedback from other individuals on this matter. Feel free to submit pull requests and I'll review them appropriately.
While a dotfile repository isn't anything original, credit the idea and certain blocks of code goes to jldeen's dotfiles.