Brave Rats game engine.
Modelled after the simple, addictive, impossible-to-master card game "BraveRats - A Game by Seiji Kanai". All game design credit to Seiji. You are encouraged to treat your and your friends to a physical copy of the game, which is available on and at a game store near you!
This code duplicates the original game mechanics to allow for on-computer gameplay and to enable building and studying Brave Rats AIs.
git clone
pip install -r requirements.txt # OR, at the moment, just 'pip install enum34'
cd brave-rats
See brains/ for an example AI function. To play a game against your own AI:
- Name your AI's brain function as something that ends with '
'. For this example, if your AI is calledburninator
the function should be calledburninator_brain_fn
- Place your AI's .py module somewhere inside the brave-rats directory. It will be automatically detected and imported.
- Start the round by calling:
python --red-brain human --blue-brain burninator
python --help
This searches the brave-rats directory for brain modules (created using the instructions above) and pits them all against each other for a predetermined set of games, mano a mano rato a rato. This can be used to test AIs against each other.
# For more options
python --help
>> from brave_rats import fight
>> fight.print_results_table()
b=0 b=1 b=2 b=3 b=4 b=5 b=6 b=7
r=0 h h h h h b h h
r=1 h h b r b2 b b r
r=2 h r h r b2 b b b
r=3 h b b h r b r b
r=4 h r2 r2 b h b b b
r=5 r r r r r h b b
r=6 h r r b r r h b
r=7 h b r r r r r h
>> brave_rats.print_results_table(red_general_played=True)
b=0 b=1 b=2 b=3 b=4 b=5 b=6 b=7
r=0 h h h h h b h h
r=1 h r r h b2 b b r
r=2 h r r b h b b b
r=3 h b b b b2 h r b
r=4 h r2 r2 b r2 r h b
r=5 r r r r r r r h
r=6 h r r b r r r b
r=7 h b r r r r r r
Issues I am aware of are listed on the GitHub issues page:
Suggestions and pull requests are very welcome!