This project is a collection of a few Gradle based projects and Docker containers that demonstrate consumer-driven contract testing using Pact and Kubernetes.
Highly cohesive and loosely coupled business functions can have a significant impact on your agility to continuously deliver features. Microservices in containers is an effective mechanism for continuous delivery. However, before you bite into that big sandwich, consider how provisioning a variety of data flavors as containerized endpoints could greatly improve your testing coverage.
How many times have you heard a colleague say, “Well that feature does not have integration tests because it requires a database with some specialized data”? Balderdash - put your data flavors in containers!
This project explores a solution to create a pipeline of data flavors. We use Docker images, Kubernetes Pods and Minikube to provision these endpoints. See how a Gradle project drives integration tests against these Pod endpoints, all ready for your continuous integration pipeline. In the end, you can see the power of Consumer Driven Contracts against your dataset flavors.
Pact is a testing framework that guarantees the Consumer Driven Contracts are satisfied by the Provider. A consumer is a client who defines a set of tests that define the contracts, the pacts. Those pacts are documents what is stored in a pact repository. At any time, the writers and tests of the API, the providers, can pull those contracts and run them as tests against their changing API.
Empower your team to create their own dataset flavors in containers for developing Consumer Driven Contracts. See a wall to integration testing come down.
In this project, you will build and deploy two containers with a Gradle based project, deploy several containers to a Kubernetes cluster and interact with the Pact tools using Gradle based project.
Kubernetes containers | Gradle based projects |
Private container registry | H2 Database seeded with some world statistics |
H2 Database | Microservice to model the world data |
REST/JSON Microservice | Testing with mocks producing Pacts |
Pact Broker | Pact verification |
The steps below are also captured in a collection of screen shot videos in the file
The consumer tests are a good place to start, but first get the technology stack up and running. The consumer will need to publish the pact and the service provider will need to run the pacts.
The cluster runs on Kubernetes. Here we use the Minikube solution to set up a simple Kubernetes cluster. You may run this project on Windows, OS X or Linux based on your preferences.
Ensure you have a command prompt that can run shell scripts, on Windows Git Bash, ConEmu or Cmder can work well.
Install VirtualBox, as this is an ideal cross platform virtual machine manager tested with Minikube. For any virtualization solution you may need to enable the virtualization BIOS setting. Here is an article on enabling Intel VT and AMD-V virtualization hardware extensions in the BIOS.
The chart below offers one-liner shell command that will download the current version of two executables needed to initialize and interact with Minikube and Kubernetes from the command line.
For Linux or OS X
curl -Lo minikube && chmod +x minikube && sudo mv minikube /usr/local/bin/
For Windows with Git Bash (or equivalent Linux shell)
curl -Lo minikube.exe
Normally Minikube is installed into the virtual machine with just a simple command 'minikube start', however for this project there are a few other things needed so all those details are encompassed in this script. Before starting view the script to see what it does.
Start Kubernetes
In a few minutes Minikube will be running with a complete Kubernetes cluster and the script will complete. Next, set the environment parameters to allow Minikube and KubeCtl to interact with the new running cluster:
Initialize environment settings
. ./ && minikube status
For each command prompt that interacts with Minikube be sure to always first source this script (you can add this sourcing to your .bash_profile). Kubernetes will now be running several support services including a dashboard, a private Docker registry and Heapster as a resource monitor. You can run the Kubernetes dashboard and see these services running in the kube-system namespace.
Explore Kubernetes
minikube dashboard
Select pacts
from the namespace dropdown and notice the Workload lists are empty.
Kubernetes is now ready to start accepting some declarations so it can standup the
ms-cities and h2 database we require for the Pact verification.
Build and deploy the database container
cd h2-world-a && ./gradlew pushImage && cd ..
The database container image is now listed in the private registry running on the cluster.
Build and deploy the ms-cities microservice container
cd ms-cities && ./gradlew pushImage && cd ..
The ms-cities container image is now listed in the private registry running on the cluster.
While you just deployed two containers to the registry, it's difficult to see them without a view that lists the contents of the registry. Run this command to add a service that enables a browser based viewer for the registry:
Start a registry viewer service
kubectl create -f cluster/registry-ui
Shortly, based on your machine and network speed the registry will be browsable.
View the registry
minikube service --namespace kube-system registry-ui
This command will point your browser to the registry listing page and there
the h2-world-a
and ms-cities
repositories are listed.
The Pact files will need to be deployed to a Pack Broker, so the broker needs to be started.
Start the Pact Broker Service
kubectl create -f cluster/pact-broker
Shortly, the broker will be browsable.
View the Pact broker contents
minikube service --namespace pact pact-broker
The broker listing indicates the broker is responding, but will be empty since the Pacts have not been pushed yet.
While the database container image has been pushed into the registry the database service is not running.
Start the database
kubectl create -f cluster/h2-world-a
Shortly the database will be available. The database comes with a browser based SQL viewer.
Explore the database
minikube service --namespace pact h2-world-a
This will open two tabs in your browser, close the second tab as it's the JDBC URL and in the first tab you will see a JDBC web form. In the web form connect to the database with this JDBC URL:
Leave the User Name
and Password
fields blank and click the Connect
button. At the
subsequent browser page the world database can be explored with standard SQL commands.
While the ms-cities microservice image has been pushed into the registry the microservice is not running.
Start the ms-cities service
kubectl create -f cluster/ms-cities
Shortly the ms-cities service will be available.
Request information from the service
minikube service --namespace pact ms-cities
This will open a browser tab with the error message Whitelabel Error Page
. This is
expected as the service requires a specific REST call. Add any of these to the end of
the browser URL
Relative REST calls for ms-cities
/city/random, /city/denver, /city/list or /city/largest
The Pact broker listing is currently empty. The Pacts need to be pushed to this broker.
Push Pacts to Broker
cd pact-consumer-cities && ./gradlew pactPublish && cd ..
Verify the Pacts have been deployed to the broker by viewing the listing.
View the Pact broker listings
minikube service --namespace pact pact-broker
Services are running and the Pacts are deployed so now it's time to Run the provider tests and verify them against the producer running in Kubernetes.
Verify the Pacts
cd pact-provider-world && ./gradlew pactVerify && cd ..
The tests will run and generate the results. But wait, the test failed!. You should see the error message "Expected 'Denver' but received 'This is wrong'". The pack verification for the /city/denver failed. To fix the problem modify the ms-world's CityController class's getDenver() method to correct the error.
Rebuild and push the corrected ms-cities microservice
cd ms-cities && ./gradlew pushImage && cd ..
Force the update of the existing ms-cities pod with
kubectl delete pod --namespace pact $(kubectl get pod --namespace pact | grep ms-cities)
Wait a few seconds, then again run the pactVerify and notice both tests now pass.
RE-verify the Pacts
cd pact-provider-world && ./gradlew pactVerify && cd ..
You should see the output of the verifications ending with "BUILD SUCCESSFUL".
You now have performed Pact based tests using Pact, Kubernetes, Microservices and Containers. Notice how you could create more databases with different seeds, more client tests that generate more contacts and more services with a variety of Pacts.
There is more data in the database in other tables. You can use the ms-cities as an example microservice and use it to access different data. First look at the database contents and envision a new service to get more data. First write a Pact test that describes, from a customer point of view, what should be delivered. Verify the Pact tests run with the mocked service and publish the Pacts. Clone the ms-cities microservice and write your own model that provides the service you have envisioned. Deploy the new service.
If you have further interest about this project and related topics you can meet me on tour with the []No Fluff Just Stuff]( events. Through any channel, I would appreciate your feedback.
This project was tested using Minikube v0.20.0 with Kubernetes V1.7.0 and VirtualBox 5.1.22
- VirtualBox
- Minikube
- Gradle
- Kubernetes
- Docker
- Docker private registry
- Consumer-Driven Contracts
- Pact
- Pact Broker
- Open JDK and Java 9
- Docker Registry UI
- H2 Database
- World data source
- Gradle Docker plugin
- Dius Pact
- Spring Boot
- MyBatis
- Fabric8
- Guava
- JUnit
- Linux Alpine Containers
- SemVer
Suspend Minikube and the entire cluster
minikube stop
Delete the Kubernetes pact namespaces
kubectl delete namespace pact
The easiest way to start fresh is to remove the Minikube virtual machine from VirtualBox
This will remove the whole Minikube installation
minikube delete
The Minikube installation can always be recreate with the