Releases: jblanked/WebCrawler-FlipperZero
Releases · jblanked/WebCrawler-FlipperZero
Web Crawler - v1.0.1
Web Crawler - v1.0 (quick fix)
v1.0.0.1 ensure web_crawler folder is created
Web Crawler - v1.0
- Updated the HTTP Method toggle to work as intended.
- Updated FlipperHTTP to the latest version.
- Improved memory allocation
- Fixed loading display messages.
- Added a BROWSE method, which fetches HTML data from the specified path, parses the HTML, then displays the data as a "webpage".
Web Crawler - v0.8
Updates from Derek Jamison:
- Improved progress display.
- Added connectivity check on startup.
Web Crawler - v0.7.3
Web Crawler - v0.7.2
Fix Typos and Update File Save Location
Web Crawler - v0.7.1
App restructured
Web Crawler - v0.7
- Improved memory allocation
Web Crawler - v0.6
- Added a DOWNLOAD method, which downloads the file at the specified path. This is best used for downloading images, binary files, and other non-text files.
- Increased buffer size to handle larger responses.
- Fixed the variable item lists to display as intended.
Web Crawler v0.5
- Refactored using the easy flipper library
- New python library for the FlipperHTTP flash
- Removed unnecessary GPIO initialization
- Removed unnecessary logging