This module can be installed from the PowerShellGallery. You need WMF 5 to use this feature.
Install-Module -Name HPWarranty
This module can be installed with chocolatey:
choco install hpwarranty.powershell -version
This module can be installed with PsGet:
Install-Module -ModuleUrl "" -ModuleName HPWarranty -Type ZIP
- Invoke-HPWarrantyRegistrationRequest
- Invoke-HPWarrantyEntitlementList
- Get-HPComputerInformationForWarrantyFromCMDB
Basically, to use HPs ISEE to get warranty info, there are a few things that need to happen:
- A Session needs to be established with their Web Services, this is done by using the Invoke-HPWarrantyRegistrationRequest. You need a valid SerialNumber and Product Model to do this. If successful, it will return a Gdid and a Session Token, that then needs to be passed to the Invoke-HPWarrantyEntitlementList.
- Using the Gdid and the Token from step 1, and a valid SerialNumber and ProductNumber you can request the information for that device, returning the SerialNumber,ProductID,ActiveWarrantyEntitlement,OverallWarrantyStartDate,OverallWarrantyEndDate,WarrantyDeterminationDescription,GracePeriod (The return SOAP Envelop contains much more information, but that is was I parse and return).
- You can reuse the Gdid and Token from step one in a foreach loop to retrieve multiple warranty objects. That is why I created the Get-HPComputerInformationForWarrantyRequestFromCMDB (only tested on SCCM 2012 SP1 DB). If you configure your SCCM Client to inventory the MS_SystemInformation WMI Class (Found in the root namespace, not in CIMV2, root\MS_SystemInformation) you can then use this function to return form the CM_ database an array of objects containing the information needed to complete all actions. SerialNumber,ProductModel,ProductID.
Example 1:
# Execute from a local HP Workstation
Import-Module HPWarranty; Invoke-HPWarrantyEntitlementList
Example 2:
# Create one session but look up multiple warranty's
Import-Module -Name HPWarranty
$HP1 = @{
'SerialNumber' = 'A1B2C3D4E5'
'ProductModel' = 'HP Laptop 100 G1'
'ProductID' = '123ABC'
$HP2 = @{
'SerialNumber' = '12345ABCDE'
'ProductModel' = 'HP Desktop 1100 G1'
'ProductID' = 'ABC123'
# Use either HP1 or HP2 properties to establish a session with the HP Web Services.
$reg = Invoke-HPWarrantyRegistrationRequest -SerialNumber $HP1.SerialNumber -ProductModel $HP1.ProductModel
Invoke-HPWarrantyEntitlementList -Gdid $reg.Gdid -Token $reg.Token -SerialNumber $HP1.SerialNumber -ProductID $HP1.ProductID
Invoke-HPWarrantyEntitlementList -Gdid $reg.Gdid -Token $reg.Token -SerialNumber $HP2.SerialNumber -ProductID $HP2.ProductID
Example 3:
# Query a remote computer for information to create a session with the the HP Web Services.
# Remote WMI access is necessary to use this function remotely.
Import-Module -Name HPWarranty; Invoke-HPWarrantyEntitlementList -ComputerName ''
Example 4:
# Execute with information from ConfigMgr Database:
Import-Module -Name HPWarranty
$reg = Invoke-HPWarrantyRegistrationRequest -SerialNumber "ABCDE12345" -ProductModel "HP ProBook 645 G1"
$HPs = Get-HPComputerInformationForWarrantyFromCMDB -SqlServer MySccmDBServer -Database CM_MS1 -IntergratedSecurity
foreach ($HP in $HPs)
Invoke-HPWarrantyEntitlementList -Gdid $reg.Gdid -Token $reg.Token -SerialNumber $HP.SerialNumber -ProductID $HP.ProductID
Example 5:
# Hashtables are a little tricky to export to CSV, so here is how I run my build date report:
Import-Module -Name HPWarranty
Import-Module -Name ActiveDirectory
$reg = Invoke-HPWarrantyRegistrationRequest
# This output is tailored to the request that was given to me, not all of these values maybe necessary to return.
Get-HPComputerInformationForWarrantyFromCMDB -SqlServer -Database CM_MS1 -IntergratedSecurity |
Select-Object -Property @{ Name = 'ComputerName'; Expression = { $_.ComputerName } },
@{ Name = 'SerialNumber'; Expression = { $_.SerialNumber } },
@{ Name = 'ProductModel'; Expression = { $_.ProductModel } },
@{ Name = 'BuildDate'; Expression = { (Invoke-HPWarrantyEntitlementList -Gdid $reg.Gdid -Token $reg.Token -SerialNumber $_.SerialNumber -ProductID $_.ProductID).OverallWarrantyStartDate } },
@{ Name = 'LastHardwareScan'; Expression = { Get-Date (Get-Date $_.LastHardwareScan).ToShortDateString() -Format 'yyyy-MM-dd' } },
@{ Name = 'LastLoggedOnUser'; Expression = { $_.Username } },
@{ Name = 'CompanyName'; Expression = { if ($_.Username -ne $null){ (Get-ADUser -Identity $_.Username.ToString().Trim('MYDOMAIN\') -Properties Company).Company } } } |
Export-Csv -Path C:\HPBuildInfo.csv -NoTypeInformation -Append