- id_rsa.ioi18 (ITC Google Drive)
All the following tools require you to have proper AWS_*
environment variables for the ioi18
AWS account.
cd itamae/
bundle exec hocho apply servername --dry-run
bundle exec hocho apply servername
rm -v tmp/hocho-ec2-cache.* # Purge cache (default up to 3600s)
hocho-ec2.gem loads EC2 instance information for you. Make sure an instance to have Name
and Role
tag. Specific overriding can be done with manually creating hosts/*.yml
bundle exec itamae-secrets newkey --method=aes-passphrase default
cd route53/
bundle exec roadwork -a --dry-run
bundle exec roadwork -a
We have 2 Route53 hosted zones with same name for split DNS.
cd sg/
bundle exec piculet -a --dry-run
bundle exec piculet -a
cd iam/
bundle exec miam -a --dry-run
bundle exec miam -a
cd s3/
bundle exec bukelatta -a --dry-ryn
bundle exec bukelatta -a
cd cloudfront/
bundle exec cfdef -a --dry-run
bundle exec cfdef -a
cd cmsconfig/
# For clusters/dev.rb
bundle exec ruby upload.rb dev
# For variants/prd/onpremise.rb
bundle exec ruby upload.rb prd onpremise
cd hako/
bundle exec hako deploy nanika.jsonnet -t codebuild
cd terraform/
terraform init
terraform apply
Use this when a source couldn't provide a buildspec.yml (e.g. CMS task repo)
cd codebuild/
bundle exec ruby set_buildspec.rb XXX
cd codepipeline/
# actions/XXX.rb
bundle exec create_custom_action.rb XXX
# pipelines/XXX.rb
bundle exec export.rb XXX
bundle exec upload.rb XXX
bundle exec run.rb XXX
bundle exec run.rb pipelines/ioi18-task*.rb
- Contest System:
- Printing System:
- Translation System:
- Contestant & Admin Console: