A feature-oriented programming and code-splitting framework for Redux. Asynchronously load Redux reducers and middleware, React Components, react-router routes, etc. in app plugins, using Webpack code splitting.
- ES6 polyfills (corejs)
- Your Redux state must be an Immutable.js keyed collection. If you want to use this library with POJOs, you'll have to port it to do so.
- redux-plugins-immutable-react: React components to autoload plugins and display components from them
- redux-plugins-immutable-react-router: autoload react-router route configuration from plugins
- redux-plugins-immutable-hot-loader: Webpack hot reloader for plugins
import Immutable from 'immutable';
import {createStore, applyMiddleware} from 'redux';
import {composeReducers} from 'mindfront-redux-utils';
import {pluginMiddleware, pluginReducer, pluginActions} from 'redux-plugins-immutable';
const {addPlugin, loadPlugin} = pluginActions;
import MyReducer from './MyReducer';
const store = applyMiddleware(pluginMiddleware)(createStore)(
composeReducers(MyReducer, pluginReducer),
const PLUGIN_KEY = 'MyPlugin';
const Plugin = Immutable.fromJS({
// this method will be called when a loadPlugin action is dispatched with this plugin's key.
// it is passed the Redux store and a node-style callback.
// the result it passes to the callback will get shallow merged into this plugin in Redux state.
load(store, callback) {
require.ensure(['./MyPluginReducer', './MyPluginMiddleware', './MyPluginComponent'], require => {
callback(undefined, Immutable.fromJS({
reducer: require('./MyPluginReducer').default,
middleware: require('./MyPluginMiddleware').default,
components: {
MyPluginComponent: require('./MyPluginComponent').default
// this puts Plugin in the Redux state at ['plugins', PLUGIN_KEY]
// ...
// Sometime later, when you need to load the plugin:
// this will call Plugin's load() method.
store.dispatch(loadPlugin(PLUGIN_KEY)).then(plugin => {
// at this point the plugin is loaded (all the fields passed to the load() callback
// have been merged into the Redux state for the plugin).
// pluginReducer will apply Plugin's reducer, and pluginMiddleware will apply Plugin's middleware.
// Plugin's MyPluginComponent will be available to use as well.