This application helps music artist agencies (alias Booker) to manage their contacts and automate prospection.
It is also a try to apply some of the best software engineering concepts, mainly DDD (Domain Driven Design) and Hexagonal Architecture. As a senior developer, I am still learning on those patterns, feel free to comment and use Issues / Discussions to talk about it.
This repository contains the backend stuff ; frontend repository is there :
- Description
- Table of contents
- Tech stack
- Context and domain model
- Architecture
- Layers
- Concepts
- Links
- Local development
- Installation
- Running the app
- Tests
- Git
- NestJs
- Prisma
- Postgres with Docker
- Oxide.ts
- Passport
- Zod
- Jest
- supertest
Work in progress
Work in progress
Work in progress
This repository arised thanks to the wonderful work of other people, mainly :
- Khalil Stemmler, all his articles are gold mine ; I took a lot of inspiration with its project "ddd-forum", here is the link to the repository :
- Sairyss and his big implementation of DDD Hexagonal Architecture in NestJs :
We use Docker containers to manage Postgres instances during development ; one for "live" database, and one for "tests" database.
docker-compose file is located under docker
$ pnpm install
$ pnpm prisma migrate deploy
# development
$ pnpm start:dev
# production mode
$ pnpm run start:prod
# unit tests
$ pnpm run test:unit:watch
# integration tests
$ pnpm run test:integration:watch
# e2e tests
$ pnpm run test:e2e
# test coverage
$ pnpm run test:cov
git-cz is used to format commit messages ; an util script has been added, that add all changed files to git, commit with git-cz and push :
$ pnpm commit:push