SearchEngine is simple search engine for package.json in a github, npm and packagist
#API Demo http://ccdu13.alwaysdata.net
#How to use :
in the address bar writen "yourRepository/"yourpackage" follow http://ccdu13.alwaysdata.net
exemple for using http://ccdu13.alwaysdata.net/"yourRepository/"yourpackage"
#Code example
private function packagist() { $url= "https://packagist.org/packages/" . $this->package . ".json"; $obj = $this->consume($url, true); if ($obj === true) { $this->distribuable = true; return true; } return false; }
#Result example
distribuable true testable true langage "php" vendor "" repository "" package "jeancia/SearchEngine" description "" keywords "" type "library" homepage "" dependencies psr/log "1.0.2" phpunit/phpunit "6.1" devDependencies version license "" name "administrateur/formation-php" author ""
#Jeancia author
Jeancia author
Jeancia MIT