├── _people # Put your profile here
│ ├── bibtex # Put your publication list here (optional)
│ ├── images # Put your images here
│ └── pdf # Put other files here
├── _professor # Prof. Jane's profile
│ └── images # Images to show in Prof. Jane's page
├── publication # Publication list of the lab
├── research
│ ├── _posts # Pages for research projects
│ └── images # Images to show in project pages
└── README.md
Install jekyll in your local environment. Make sure your modification actually works before push it to github.
First, fork this repository to your github and clone it to your host.
git clone https://github.com/{your_github_name}/iAgentNTU.github.io.git
cd iAgentNTU.github.io
Use Chi-Chia Huang's file as starting point.
cd _people
cp Chi-Chia_Huang.md your_name.md
Edit the header part of your_name.md
layout: people # Do not change
hidden: true # Do not change
title: Chi-Chia Huang
name: Chi-Chia Huang
chinese_name: 黃啟嘉
student_id: d01944003
status: quit # [ongoing|graduated|quit]
program: PhD student # [PhD student|Master student|Undergraduate]
entry_year: 2012
exit_year: 2017
link: true # Do not change
image: /people/images/chichia.jpg
research_interests: recommender system, internet of things
show_project: true # false if you do not have any project yet
# bibsrc: /people/bibtex/chichia.bib
bibsrc: '#bibtex' # path to bib file or DOM id
href: "http://www.google.com/recaptcha/mailhide/d?k=01MhlRNlCYMQRB3CtGk9pPWQ==&c=Seat9oiuZshm6ibK_MUDZilOr7fBybQahRY7P83oUwM="
onclick: "window.open('http://www.google.com/recaptcha/mailhide/d?k\\07501MhlRNlCYMQRB3CtGk9pPWQ\\75\\75\\46c\\75Seat9oiuZshm6ibK_MUDZilOr7fBybQahRY7P83oUwM\\075', '', 'toolbar=0,scrollbars=0,location=0,statusbar=0,menubar=0,resizable=0,width=500,height=300'); return false;"
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Huang.ChiChia
linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/chichiah
twitter: https://twitter.com/Chifatty
github: https://github.com/chifatty
For email part, you can just put your email here as
email: [email protected]
or you can use Mailhide service. Copy the value of href
and onclick
, and please remember to escape \
with \\
Then you are free to write anything you want. Please refer to Jekyll Docs for more information.
After you finish editing, please examine the result in your local environment first. If you are sure that everything works well, you can push your local branch to github.
git push origin master
Then, fire a pull request on github page, and wait for the admin to merge your change.