A dynamodb client that stores all items in a single table
yarn add single-table-dynamo zod
import { DynamoDBDocumentClient as DocumentClient } from "@aws-sdk/lib-dynamodb";
import { z } from "zod";
import { Repository, InferObjectType, InferIdType } from "single-table-dynamo";
const repo = new Repository({
// a unique type name to distinguish this entity type from other types
typeName: "Note",
// create a schema for the entity
schema: z.object({
id: z.string().default(() => uuid()),
owner: z.string(),
text: z.string().min(0).max(1000).default(""),
// primary index fields are required to get this object
primaryIndex: {
fields: ["id"],
// can be used query by other ids
secondaryIndexes: {
byOwner: {
fields: ["owner"],
indexName: "gsi1",
tableConfig: TableConfig,
documentClient: new DocumentClient(),
// write
const note = await repo.put({ owner: "harold" });
// { id: "123", owner: "harold", text: "" }
// read
const note = await repo.get({ id: "123" });
// { id: "123", owner: "harold", text: "" }
// update
const note = await repo.mutate({ id: "123", text: "this is my note" });
// { id: "123", owner: "harold", text: "this is my note" }
// query
const { Items } = await repo.query("byOwner").where({ owner: "harold" }).exec();
// [{ id: "123", owner: "harold", text: "this is my note" }]
// delete
await repo.delete({ id: "123" });
// infer object type from repo
type NoteObject = InferObjectType<typeof repo>;
// { id: string, owner: string, text: string }
type NoteId = InferIdType<typeof repo>;
// {id: string}
var TableConfig = {
tableName: "GenericTable",
primaryIndex: {
pk: "pk1",
sk: "sk0",
secondaryIndexes: [
indexName: "gsi1",
pk: "pk1",
sk: "sk1",
indexName: "gsi2",
pk: "pk2",
sk: "sk2",