This plugin makes sprockets work on heroku, using the same appraoch sass_on_heroku uses for sass. It's pretty much a rack based, drop in replacement for sprockets-rails.
Make sure you have sprockets installed first; in config/environments.rb
config.gem 'sprockets'
in .gems
and install the plugin
script/plugin install git://
If you want your javascript minified using jsmin, make sure to add it to your .gems as well.
To set a different uri than the default /sprockets.js create config/initializers/sprockets.rb containing:
SprocketsOnHeroku.uri = '/custom_uri.js'
- no support for assets
- sprockets:install_scripts & sprockets:install_assets are no longer available
Copyright (c) 2009 Jeffry Degrande, released under the MIT license