This project is an experimental C# implementation of polyhedron SAT collision and intersection for the Unity game engine. It's specifically designed to be compatible with Unity's Burst Compiler for performance.
The math is ported to C# from the C++ BounceLite project by Irlan Robson (zLib License) and adapted for Unity's new Math library and Burst Compiler requirments:
The SAT implementation is originally based on the 2013 GDC presentation by Dirk Gregorius and his forum posts about Valve's Rubikon physics engine:
- Generation of native half-edge mesh from Unity Meshes.
- Fast convex polyhedron face/edge boolean collision detection.
- Polyhedron intersection manifold generation (via Sutherland-Hodgman clipping)
- Burst compiled jobs for single and batch collision operations.
- Experimental bounding volume hierarchy.
- NativeBuffer collection able to run off stackalloc.
Note: Project was created with Unity 2019.2, older versions may not work.
View a fast version of the contact for physics calcluations. This mode a processes a minimal set of geometry, just enough to move colliding objects apart. Versus the full intersection mode, which needs to clip every face for visual/mesh creation purposes.