[JENKINS-72015] Make reference build computation more flexible #712
ci.jenkins.io / Jenkins
Feb 23, 2024 in 20m 15s
windows-17/Build (windows-17): warning in 'junit' step
linux-21 / Build (linux-21) / Archive JUnit-formatted test results
Warning in junit
step, with arguments **/target/surefire-reports/**/*.xml,**/target/failsafe-reports/**/*.xml,**/target/invoker-reports/**/*.xml
1 tests failed
linux-21 / Archive (linux-21) / Record compiler warnings and static analysis results
Warning in recordIssues
step, with arguments {qualityGates=[{threshold=1, type=NEW, unstable=true}], sourceCodeEncoding=UTF-8, trendChartType=NONE, tool=@pmdParser(pattern=**/target/pmd.xml), skipBlames=true}
Some quality gates have been missed: overall result is UNSTABLE
windows-17 / Build (windows-17) / Archive JUnit-formatted test results
Warning in junit
step, with arguments **/target/surefire-reports/**/*.xml,**/target/failsafe-reports/**/*.xml,**/target/invoker-reports/**/*.xml
1 tests failed
- linux-21 (6 ms)
- Checkout (linux-21) (9.8 sec)
- Build (linux-21) (14 min)
Unstable: 1 tests failed - Archive (linux-21) (9.2 sec)
Unstable: Some quality gates have been missed: overall result is UNSTABLE
- windows-17 (20 min)
- Checkout (windows-17) (16 sec)
- Build (windows-17) (18 min)
Unstable: 1 tests failed - Archive (windows-17) (3.4 sec)