Flocks of Blocks is a Go library that helps compose Slack messages using the Block Framework.
This package is in heavy flux at the moment as I work to incorporate feedback from various sources.
After building Slack bots in Go, I looked for a faster way of composing block messages. I started utilizing the Go templating library to build ad-hoc messages. This package provides an intuitive way of generating Slack messages using templates and a functional approach heavily inspired by the Charm
go get github.com/jeremyforan/go-flocks-of-blocks
Build the Plain Text example
package main
import (
fobs "github.com/jeremyforan/go-flocks-of-blocks"
func main() {
text := fobs.NewPlainText("This is a plain text section block.").EnableEmoji()
section := fobs.NewSection().SetText(text)
basic := fobs.NewMessage().AddBlock(section)
"blocks": [
"type": "section",
"text": {
"type": "plain_text",
"text": "This is a plain text section block.",
"emoji": true
This can be condensed
package main
import (
fobs "github.com/jeremyforan/go-flocks-of-blocks"
func main() {
text := fobs.NewPlainText("This is a plain text section block.").EnableEmoji()
Here is an Example
Composing the example message:
package main
import (
fobs "github.com/jeremyforan/go-flocks-of-blocks"
func main() {
// create a new message
msg := fobs.NewMessage()
// Add a header
header := fobs.NewHeader("Device Summary")
msg = msg.AddBlock(header)
// Add some info
info := fobs.NewSection().AddMrkdownField("*IP:*").AddMrkdownField("*Area:* basement")
msg = msg.AddBlock(info)
// Add some more info but in a single line
msg = msg.AddBlock(fobs.NewSection().AddMrkdownField("*Hardware:* Linksys WRT-54G").AddMrkdownField("*Uptime:* 7 Days, 3 Months"))
// Add the info message to
ssid := fobs.NewSection().AddMrkdownField("*SSID:* FreshPrinceOfDonair")
msg = msg.AddBlock(ssid)
// make a "reset" button
resetButton := fobs.NewButton("Reboot Device", "actionId-0").SetValue("click_me_123")
// Let's assume we want to add a note based on some arbitrary bool value
rfIssue := true
if rfIssue {
note := fobs.NewPlainText("*high levels of RF interference detected consider scan")
msg = msg.AddBlock(note.Context())
// We want to add the Danger styleing to the button due to the 'issue'
resetButton = resetButton.MakeStyleDanger()
// Add the reset button to the message
msg = msg.AddBlock(resetButton.Actions())
// Generate a link that paste the body into the Slack interactive Block Kit Builder for validation
Slack messages should be easy and fun to compose. Most Slack messages are simple and, as a result, less likely to violate any of Slack message's restrictions:
IE: Maximum length for this field is 255 characters.
Therefore the package should try and minimize the amount of errors the user has to handle.
A functional approach to building the assets will be more concise and intuitive:
button := NewButton("Click This", "button1").MakeStyleDanger().AddUrl(url)
There are three major phases to this project:
- Explore different implementation and design approaches including more composition
- Gather user feedback
- Establish a consistant naming convention
- Decide on the degree of structure composition
- Complete code coverage
- Add component validation
- Make a really great Logo. Like sticker worthy!