JerryScript 2.4.0
The JerryScript team proudly announces JerryScript 2.4.0 release.
A short list of changes/improvements:
- Change the default profile to
- Improve module and proxy support
- Added support for Realms
- Added support for BigInts
- Enhanced build and testing on Windows
- Replaces all-in-one build with amalgam build
- Introduced new port API function: jerry_port_track_promise_rejection
- New language features:
- Async function
- BigInt syntax
- Class fields
- Catch without argument
- Comma after last argument
- For-await-of
- Nullish coalescing
- Numeric separator
- Rest operator in object destructuring patterns
- Spread operator in object literal
- Super keyword in object methods
- Unicode supplementary planes
- Supported new builtin methods:
- Array.prototype.flat, flatMap
- DataView.prototype.getBigInt64, getBigUint64, setBigInt64, setBigUint64
- Global.globalThis
- Object.entries, getOwnPropertyDescriptors, values
- Object.prototype.__defineGetter__, __defineSetter__, __lookupGetter__, __lookupSetter__, fromEntries
- Promise.prototype.finally
- RegExp.dotAll
- String.prototype.padStart, padEnd, replaceAll, trimStart, trimEnd
- Symbol.matchAll
- Symbol.prototype.description
- TypedArray.prototype.includes
- 80% conformance on Test262 ES2020
- Kangax ES2016+ coverage improved to 75%
- 413 commit by 22 authors since JerryScript 2.3.0