Neovim wrapper for pg_query_utils.
Install pg_query_utils by running this script, then call which pg_query_prepare
to make sure it was successful.
git clone --recurse-submodules --depth 1 && \
cd pg_query_utils && \
sed -i '' '/^all:/s/pg_describe_query.*//;' Makefile && \
make && \
mkdir -p "$$HOME/.local/bin" && \
cp pg_query_prepare "$$HOME/.local/bin" && \
cp pg_query_json "$$HOME/.local/bin" && \
cp pg_query_fingerprint "$$HOME/.local/bin" && \
cd .. && \
rm -rf pg_query_utils;
return {
keys = {
{ "<leader>pe", function() require("pg_query").edit(); end, mode = "n", desc = "Edit default param values for the query under the cursor." },
{ "<leader>pr", function() require("pg_query").run(); end, mode = "n", desc = "Render postgres query with values, and pipe into output_cmd. Opens an edit window if values don't exist." },
-- these are the default values. if you're happy with them, you can just pass an empty table to opts.
opts = {
-- we default to putting the rendered query into your system clipboard. also available is `psql-tmux`, allowing you to run the query in psql, in a new tmux window.
-- we have db_cred_labels so you can pass as flags to psql, etc
db_name=nil, -- name of the environment variable pg_query should search for to get the `DB_NAME`.
db_user=nil, -- name of the environment variable pg_query should search for to get the `DB_USER`.
db_password=nil, -- name of the environment variable pg_query should search for to get the `DB_PASSWORD`.
db_port=nil, -- name of the environment variable pg_query should search for to get the `DB_PORT`.
db_host=nil, -- name of the environment variable pg_query should search for to get the `DB_HOST`.
ui = {
field_separator=' ✦ ', -- in the edit buffer, the string that separates the field label from the input text.
fields_align_right=false, -- in the edit buffer, choose to align the field names to the right of the buffer.
Contributions to this project are welcome, please read for guidelines.