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Add EventStoreSource
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bartelink committed Jun 5, 2019
1 parent 0d466f1 commit f5fea69
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Expand Up @@ -9,6 +9,9 @@ The `Unreleased` section name is replaced by the expected version of next releas
## [Unreleased]

### Added

- `Propulsion.EventStore.EventStoreSource` (productized from `Equinox.Templates`'s `eqxsync`)

### Changed

- Targets `Microsoft.Azure.DocumentDB.ChangeFeedProcessor` v `2.2.7`, which includes critical lease management improvements
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion
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@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Propulsion [![Build Status](]( [![release](]( [![NuGet](]( [![license](](LICENSE) ![code size](

This is pre-production code; unfortunately it's also pre-documentation atm (will be adding more over the coming weeks)
This is pre-production code; unfortunately it's also pre-documentation atm (will add some info over the coming weeks)

## QuickStart

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110 changes: 110 additions & 0 deletions src/Propulsion.EventStore/Checkpoint.fs
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@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
module Propulsion.EventStore.Checkpoint

open FSharp.UMX
open System // must shadow UMX to use DateTimeOffSet

type CheckpointSeriesId = string<checkpointSeriesId>
and [<Measure>] checkpointSeriesId
module CheckpointSeriesId = let ofGroupName (groupName : string) = UMX.tag groupName

// NB - these schemas reflect the actual storage formats and hence need to be versioned with care
module Events =
type Checkpoint = { at: DateTimeOffset; nextCheckpointDue: DateTimeOffset; pos: int64 }
type Config = { checkpointFreqS: int }
type Started = { config: Config; origin: Checkpoint }
type Checkpointed = { config: Config; pos: Checkpoint }
type Unfolded = { config: Config; state: Checkpoint }
type Event =
| Started of Started
| Checkpointed of Checkpointed
| Overrode of Checkpointed
| [<System.Runtime.Serialization.DataMember(Name="state-v1")>]
Unfolded of Unfolded
interface TypeShape.UnionContract.IUnionContract

module Folds =
type State = NotStarted | Running of Events.Unfolded

let initial : State = NotStarted
let private evolve _ignoreState = function
| Events.Started { config = cfg; origin=originState } -> Running { config = cfg; state = originState }
| Events.Checkpointed e | Events.Overrode e -> Running { config = e.config; state = e.pos }
| Events.Unfolded runningState -> Running runningState
let fold (state: State) = Seq.fold evolve state
let isOrigin _state = true // we can build a state from any of the events and/or an unfold
let unfold state =
match state with
| NotStarted -> failwith "should never produce a NotStarted state"
| Running state -> Events.Unfolded {config = state.config; state=state.state}

/// We only want to generate a first class event every N minutes, while efficiently writing contingent on the current etag value
//let postProcess events state =
// let checkpointEventIsRedundant (e: Events.Checkpointed) (s: Events.Unfolded) =
// s.state.nextCheckpointDue = e.pos.nextCheckpointDue
// && s.state.pos <> e.pos.pos
// match events, state with
// | [Events.Checkpointed e], (Running state as s) when checkpointEventIsRedundant e state ->
// [],unfold s
// | xs, state ->
// xs,unfold state

type Command =
| Start of at: DateTimeOffset * checkpointFreq: TimeSpan * pos: int64
| Override of at: DateTimeOffset * checkpointFreq: TimeSpan * pos: int64
| Update of at: DateTimeOffset * pos: int64

module Commands =
let interpret command (state : Folds.State) =
let mkCheckpoint at next pos = { at=at; nextCheckpointDue = next; pos = pos } : Events.Checkpoint
let mk (at : DateTimeOffset) (interval: TimeSpan) pos : Events.Config * Events.Checkpoint=
let freq = int interval.TotalSeconds
let next = at.AddSeconds(float freq)
{ checkpointFreqS = freq }, mkCheckpoint at next pos
match command, state with
| Start (at, freq, pos), Folds.NotStarted ->
let config, checkpoint = mk at freq pos
[Events.Started { config = config; origin = checkpoint}]
| Override (at, freq, pos), Folds.Running _ ->
let config, checkpoint = mk at freq pos
[Events.Overrode { config = config; pos = checkpoint}]
| Update (at,pos), Folds.Running state ->
// Force a write every N seconds regardless of whether the position has actually changed
if state.state.pos = pos && at < state.state.nextCheckpointDue then [] else
let freq = TimeSpan.FromSeconds <| float state.config.checkpointFreqS
let config, checkpoint = mk at freq pos
[Events.Checkpointed { config = config; pos = checkpoint}]
| c, s -> failwithf "Command %A invalid when %A" c s

type Service(log, resolveStream, ?maxAttempts) =
let (|AggregateId|) (id : CheckpointSeriesId) = Equinox.AggregateId ("Sync", % id)
let (|Stream|) (AggregateId id) = Equinox.Stream(log, resolveStream id, defaultArg maxAttempts 3)
let execute (Stream stream) cmd = stream.Transact(Commands.interpret cmd)

/// Determines the present state of the CheckpointSequence
member __.Read(Stream stream) =
stream.Query id

/// Start a checkpointing series with the supplied parameters
/// NB will fail if already existing; caller should select to `Start` or `Override` based on whether Read indicates state is Running Or NotStarted
member __.Start(id, freq: TimeSpan, pos: int64) =
execute id <| Command.Start(DateTimeOffset.UtcNow, freq, pos)

/// Override a checkpointing series with the supplied parameters
/// NB fails if not already initialized; caller should select to `Start` or `Override` based on whether Read indicates state is Running Or NotStarted
member __.Override(id, freq: TimeSpan, pos: int64) =
execute id <| Command.Override(DateTimeOffset.UtcNow, freq, pos)

/// Ingest a position update
/// NB fails if not already initialized; caller should ensure correct initialization has taken place via Read -> Start
member __.Commit(id, pos: int64) =
execute id <| Command.Update(DateTimeOffset.UtcNow, pos)

// General pattern is that an Equinox Service is a singleton and calls pass an inentifier for a stream per call
// This light wrapper means we can adhere to that general pattern yet still end up with lef=gible code while we in practice only maintain a single checkpoint series per running app
type CheckpointSeries(name, log, resolveStream) =
let seriesId = CheckpointSeriesId.ofGroupName name
let inner = Service(log, resolveStream)
member __.Read = inner.Read seriesId
member __.Start(freq, pos) = inner.Start(seriesId, freq, pos)
member __.Override(freq, pos) = inner.Override(seriesId, freq, pos)
member __.Commit(pos) = inner.Commit(seriesId, pos)

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