Modified from these great dotfiles
- Homebrew
- NeoVim
- Fish Shell
- iTerm2
- NodeJS - I prefer to use n
- This setup uses typescript:
[sudo] npm install typescript -g
Set fish as default shell:
- Add
- Run:
chsh -s /usr/local/bin/fish
- Setup some environment variables:
set -U TERM xterm-256color-italic
set -U EDITOR nvim
- Python 2 & 3
$ brew install python
$ brew install python3
After running the Nerd Font install script, set one of the Nerd Font Fonts as your iTerm Fonts. I use Meslo LG S Regular for Powerline Nerd Font 14pt
curl | sh
After install script runs do the following to copy the oceanic-next airline theme to the airline theme directory:
cp ~/.vim/repos/ ~/.vim/repos/
Fire up neovim:
Fix python errors:
cd /tmp; git clone; cd vim
./configure --enable-pythoninterp --prefix=/usr
make; sudo make install
When it starts a whole bunch of plugins will load and all should go well. If not, you'll have to do some debugging.
Make sure to :set spell
to get rid of the
Warning: Cannot find word list "en.utf-8.spl" or "en.ascii.spl"
Warning: Cannot find word list "en.utf-8.spl" or "en.ascii.spl"
and download the spell files.