This example application demonstrates the 2 dimensional geolocation indexed search available within MongoDB.
index was added to the MongoDB collection index.Zip.collection.indexes.create_one({:loc=>Mongo::Index::GEO2DSPHERE})
The index can be removed with the following commanfd
These two commands have been integrated with
. Don't worry that there is no ActiveRecord involved -- the flow still works and feels natural.
$ rake db:migrate == 20151115173006 AddIndexToZips: migrating =================================== zips_development.createIndexes | STARTED | {"createIndexes"=>"zips", "indexes"=>[{:key=>{:loc=>"2dsphere"}, :name=>"loc_2dsphere"}]} zips_development.createIndexes | SUCCEEDED | 0.00048591000000000004s == 20151115173006 AddIndexToZips: migrated (0.0077s) ========================== ```
$ rake db:rollback == 20151115173006 AddIndexToZips: reverting =================================== zips_development.dropIndexes | STARTED | {"dropIndexes"=>"zips", "index"=>"loc_2dsphere"} zips_development.dropIndexes | SUCCEEDED | 0.000458864s == 20151115173006 AddIndexToZips: reverted (0.0070s) ========================== ```
A new find method was added to the
model class which used the$near
command to locate otherZip
instances within a min/max number of miles. Miles had to be converted to meters.#convert miles to meters miles_to_meters=1609.34 min_meters=min_miles.to_i*miles_to_meters max_meters=max_miles.to_i*miles_to_meters #execute a 2dsphere location find near_zips=[] self.class.collection.find( :loc=>{:$near=>{ :$geometry=>{:type=>"Point",:coordinates=>[@longitude,@latitude]}, :$minDistance=>min_meters, :$maxDistance=>max_meters}} ).limit(limit).each do |z| near_zips << end
The controller defined a new
hash to store a the hash representation of the zip locations. This collection is read in by theindex
pages. Notice that each pin can tell you the city name associate with it.[{:lat=>37.228657, :lng=>-76.542346, :infowindow=>"YORKTOWN"}, {:lat=>39.707341, :lng=>-77.495609, :infowindow=>"FORT RITCHIE"}, {:lat=>38.558946, :lng=>-75.107762, :infowindow=>"MILLVILLE"}, {:lat=>39.459959, :lng=>-77.958915, :infowindow=>"MARTINSBURG"}, {:lat=>38.520712, :lng=>-76.781677, :infowindow=>"HUGHESVILLE", :picture=>{:url=>"/images/marker32.png", :width=>32, :height=>32}}]
The collection of hashes is displayed using the following javascript (and supporting files that were part of GMaps4Rails setup)
<div style='width: 800px;'> <div id="map" style='width: 800px; height: 400px;'></div> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> handler ='Google'); handler.buildMap({ provider: {}, internal: {id: 'map'}}, function(){ markers = handler.addMarkers(<%=raw @locations.to_json %>); handler.bounds.extendWith(markers); handler.fitMapToBounds(); }); </script>
- Access the root URI. The zipcodes are sorted in alphabetical order so cities in Alaska show up first.
- Add
to the URI and show this city. Note the the closest five (5) cities that are within 0 miles of that zip code are displayed.
show page showing closest 5 cities greater than or equal to 0 miles from BALTIMORE
- Add max_miles, min_miles, and limit to locate the nearest N cities that are M miles away from BALTIMORE. This forms a ring around the city.
show page showing closest 20 cities greater than or equal to 50 miles from BALTIMORE
These are the edits performed to the zips
application use to demonstrate
integrating the MongoDB Ruby Driver with Rails.
Add a database migration to house the management of our index. Rails will place a timestamp within the name of this file.
$ rails g migration AddIndexToZips invoke active_record create db/migrate/20151115173006_add_index_to_zips.rb
Edit the migration file created in
with the followingup
commands to add and remove the index.:loc
is the field used be the zips collection to hold the geolocation information.class AddIndexToZips < ActiveRecord::Migration # add a 2dsphere index to Zip.loc field def up Zip.collection.indexes.create_one({:loc => Mongo::Index::GEO2DSPHERE}) end def down Zip.collection.indexes.drop_one("loc_2dsphere") end end
to migrate the database to add the index.$ rake db:migrate == 20151115173006 AddIndexToZips: migrating =================================== D, [2015-11-15T13:05:19.695296 #70768] DEBUG -- : MONGODB | Adding localhost:27017 to the cluster. D, [2015-11-15T13:05:19.704984 #70768] DEBUG -- : MONGODB | localhost:27017 | zips_development.createIndexes | STARTED | {"createIndexes"=>"zips", "indexes"=>[{:key=>{:loc=>"2dsphere"}, :name=>"loc_2dsphere"}]} D, [2015-11-15T13:05:20.018183 #70768] DEBUG -- : MONGODB | localhost:27017 | zips_development.createIndexes | SUCCEEDED | 0.31258843399999997s == 20151115173006 AddIndexToZips: migrated (0.3304s) ==========================
Add the gmaps4rails
gem to the Gemfile. Documentation for the
gem is available at
It is highly recommended that you also watch the referenced YouTube Video
gem 'gmaps4rails'
$ bundle
$ rails s
The original
application left off support for the:loc
property. Add:longitude
as attributes.attr_accessor :id, :city, :state, :population, :longitude, :latitude
Add initialization support for the new attributes in the the
method.def initialize(params={}) ... if params[:loc] @longitude=params[:loc][0] @latitude=params[:loc][1] else @longitude=params[:longitude] @latitude=params[:latitude] end
Add the new attributes to the query projections within the class. There are at least two occurrences.
.projection({_id:true, city:true, state:true, pop:true, loc:true})
Add the following instance method to the Zip
model class to perform a
2dsphere, geolocation search for zips near its location. Accept a max_miles
, and limit
. The miles have to be converted to meters. The
coordinates are passed in as an array with longitude
first and
#return a list of zipcodes within min/max miles
def near(max_miles, min_miles, limit)
max_miles=max_miles.nil? ? 1000 : max_miles.to_i
min_miles=min_miles.nil? ? 0 : min_miles.to_i
limit=limit.nil? ? 5 : limit.to_i
limit+=1 if min_miles==0
#convert miles to meters
#execute a 2dsphere location find
).limit(limit).each do |z|
near_zips <<
Add the following helper method to the controller as a private method. It accepts a collection of Zip objects and works with Gmaps3rails to create an array of hashes that is used by googlemaps to display pins in the map. If there is a current @zip -- it will be made the center of the map with a special icon. Note that this definition is referencing a PNG file placed in the
folder.def zip_markers zips #build the marker for the center of the map if @zip center_marker = Gmaps4rails.build_markers(@zip) do |zip, marker| zip.latitude marker.lng zip.longitude marker.infowindow marker.picture(:url=> "/images/marker32.png", :width=> 32, :height=> 32) end end #build markers for map marked_zip=@zip.nil? locations = Gmaps4rails.build_markers(zips) do |zip, marker| zip.latitude marker.lng zip.longitude marker.infowindow #add special marker for target city if @zip && marker.picture center_marker[0][:picture] marked_zip=true end end #add target city of left out locations << center_marker[0] if !marked_zip return locations end
Add an image file to the
folder for the map definition to reference.$ls public/images marker24.png marker32.png marker48.png
Have the index page define a list of geolocation markers for the zipcodes that are deplayed on the page.
def index ... @zips = Zip.paginate(args) @locations = zip_markers @zips end
Have the individual
page display a map with nearby cities.def show near_zips=@zip.near(params[:max_miles], params[:min_miles] ,params[:limit]) @locations=zip_markers near_zips end
Add the following script file references to the
. This part of the GMaps4Rails setup.<head> ... <script src="//®ion="></script> <script src="//"></script> <script src='//' type='text/javascript'></script> </head>
Add the following to the bottom of the
page (app/views/zips/index.html.erb
) and andshow
page (app/views/zips/show.html.erb
except This will display the map and place location markers for elements within the@locations
collection`.<div style='width: 800px;'> <div id="map" style='width: 800px; height: 400px;'></div> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> handler ='Google'); handler.buildMap({ provider: {}, internal: {id: 'map'}}, function(){ markers = handler.addMarkers(<%=raw @locations.to_json %>); handler.bounds.extendWith(markers); handler.fitMapToBounds(); }); </script>
This deployment assumes that you have already deployed the Zips
application and can re-use the same database
for both applications.
Register your application with Heroku by changing to the directory with a git repository and invoking
heroku apps:create (appname)
.Note that your application must be in the root directory of the development folder hosting the git repository.
$ cd fullstack-course3-module2-geozips $ heroku apps:create appname Creating appname... done, stack is cedar-14 | Git remote heroku added
This will add an additional remote to your git repository.
$ git remote --verbose heroku (fetch) heroku (push) ...
Add a
environment variable from thezips
application deployment.dbhost
is both host and port# concatenated together, separated by a ":" (host:port) in this example.$ cd fullstack-course3-module1-zips $ heroku config | grep MONGOLAB_URI $ cd fullstack-course3-module2-geozips $ heroku config:add MONGOLAB_URI=mongodb://dbuser:dbpass@dbhost/dbname
Deploy application
$ git push heroku master
Create the geolocation index. This has been packaged as a ActiveRecord database migration task. So use
heroku run rake db:migrate
to put in place.$ heroku run rake db:migrate Running `rake db:migrate` attached to terminal... up, run.4636 ... DEBUG | {"createIndexes"=>"zips", "indexes"=>[{:key=>{:loc=>"2dsphere"}, :name=>"loc_2dsphere"}]}
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