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SoT: Delving Deeper into Classification Head for Transformer

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SoT: Delving Deeper into Classification Head for Transformer



  1. Introduction
  2. Installation
  3. Usage
  4. Classification results on CV tasks
  5. Classification results on NLP tasks
  6. Visualization
  7. Change log
  8. Acknowledgments
  9. Contact


This repository is the official implementation of "SoT: Delving Deeper into Classification Head for Transformer". It contains the source code under PyTorch framework and models for image classification and text classification tasks.


Please consider cite the paper if it's useful for you.

    author = {Jiangtao Xie, Ruiren Zeng, Qilong Wang, Ziqi Zhou, Peihua Li},
    title = {SoT: Delving Deeper into Classification Head for Transformer},
    booktitle = {arXiv:2104.10935v2},
    year = {2021}

Motivation and Contributions

For classification tasks whether in CV or NLP, the current works based on pure transformer architecture pay little attention to the classification head, applying Classification token (ClassT) solely in the classifier, however neglecting the Word tokens (WordT) which contains rich information. In our experiments, we show the ClassT and WordT are highly complementary, and the fusion of all tokens can further boost the performance. Therefore, we propose a novel classification paradigm by jointly utilizing ClassT and WordT, where the multiheaded global cross-covariance pooling with singluar value power normalization is proposed for effectively harness the rich information of WordT. We evaluate our proposed classfication scheme on the both CV and NLP tasks, achieving the very competitive performance with the counterparts.


  • clone
git clone
cd SoT/
  • install dependencies
pip install -r requirments.txt

main libs: torch(>=1.7.0) | timm(==0.3.4) | apex (alternative)

  • install
python install 


Prepare dataset

Please prepare the dataset as the following file structure:

├── train
│   ├── class1
│   │   ├── class1_001.jpg
│   │   ├── class1_002.jpg
|   |   └── ...
│   ├── class2
│   ├── class3
│   ├── ...
│   ├── ...
│   └── classN
└── val
    ├── class1
    │   ├── class1_001.jpg
    │   ├── class1_002.jpg
    |   └── ...
    ├── class2
    ├── class3
    ├── ...
    ├── ...
    └── classN

Using our proposed SoT model

  • Training from scracth:

You can train the models of SoT family by using the command:

--weight-decay $WEIGHT_DECAY \
--img-size $RESOLUTION \

Basic hyper-parameter of our SoT:

Hyper-parameter SoT-Tiny SoT-Small SoT-Base
Batch size 1024 1024 512
Init. LR 1e-3 1e-3 5e-4
Weight Decay 3e-2 3e-2 6.5e-2

Also, we provide the shell files in ./scripts for reproducing conveniently, you can run:

sh ./scripts/ # reproduce SoT-Tiny
sh ./scripts/ # reproduce SoT-Small
sh ./scripts/ # reproduce SoT-Base
  • Evaluation

On validation set of ImageNet-1K:

python $DATA_ROOT $MODEL_NAME --b 256 --eval_checkpoint $CHECKPOINT_PATH

On ImageNet-A:

python $DATA_ROOT $MODEL_NAME --b 256 --eval_checkpoint $CHECKPOINT_PATH --IN_A

The $MODEL_NAME can be SoT_Tiny/SoT_Small/SoT_Base

Using our proposed classification head in your architecture

  • import the sot_src package
from sot_src.model import Classifier, OnlyVisualTokensClassifier
  • define the classification head
classification_head_config = dict(
            regular=None, # or nn.Dropout(0.5)

classifier = Classifier(classification_head_config)


  • if your backbone without classification token, please use OnlyVisualTokensClassifier to replace Classifier
  • key arguments:
    • dim: equal to the embedding dimension
    • wr_dim: dimension of W,R; you can control the final representation dimension by adjusting it
    • regular: you can use dropout regularization to alleviate the overfitting

Besides, we provide the implementation based on the DeiT and Swin-Transformer in CV tasks and BERT in NLP tasks for reference.

Using the proposed visual tokens in your architecture

You can also use the proposed TokenEmbedding module implemented by the DenseNet block like:

from sot_src import TokenEmbed

patch_embed_config = dict(
    large_output=False, # When the resulotion of input image is 224, Ture for the 56x56 output, False for 14x14 output

patch_embed = TokenEmbed(patch_embed_config)

Classification results on CV tasks

Accuracy (single crop 224x224, %) on the validation set of ImageNet-1K and ImageNet-A

Our SoT family

Backbone ImageNet Top-1 Acc. ImageNet-A Top-1 Acc. #Params (M) GFLOPs Weight
SoT-Tiny 80.3 21.5 7.7 2.5 Coming soon
SoT-Small 82.7 31.8 26.9 5.8 Coming soon
SoT-Base 83.5 34.6 76.8 14.5 Coming soon

DeiT family

Backbone ImageNet Top-1 Acc. ImageNet-A Top-1 Acc. #Params (M) GFLOPs Weight
DeiT-T 72.2 7.3 5.7 1.3 model
DeiT-T + ours 78.6 17.5 7.0 2.3 Coming soon
DeiT-S 79.8 18.9 22.1 4.6 model
DeiT-S + ours 82.7 31.8 26.9 5.8 Coming soon
DeiT-B 81.8 27.4 86.6 17.6 model
DeiT-B + ours 82.9 29.1 94.9 18.2 Coming soon

Swin Transformer family

Backbone ImageNet Top-1 Acc. ImageNet-A Top-1 Acc. #Params (M) GFLOPs Weight
Swin-T 81.3 21.6 28.3 4.5 model
Swin-T + ours 83.0 33.5 31.6 6.0 Coming soon
Swin-B 83.5 35.8 87.8 15.4 model
Swin-B + ours 84.0 42.9 95.9 16.9 Coming soon


  • +ours means we adopt the proposed classification head and token embedding module upon the other architectures.
  • We report the accuracy training from scracth on ImageNet-1K.

Classification results on NLP tasks

Accuracy (Top-1, %) on the 4 selected tasks from General Language Understanding Evaluation (GLUE) benchmark.

  • CoLA (The Corpus of Linguistic Acceptability): the task is to judge whether a English sentence is grammatical or not.
  • RTE (The Recognizing Textual Entailment datasets): the task is to determine whether the given pair of sentences is entailment or not.
  • MNLI (The Multi-Genre Natural Language Inference Corpus): the task is to classify the given pair of sentences from multi-source is entailment, contradiction or neutral.
  • QNLI (Qusetion-answering Natural Language Inference Corpus): the task is to decide the question-answer sentence pair is entailment or not.
Backbone CoLA RTE MNLI QNLI Weight
GPT 54.32 63.17 82.10 86.36 model
GPT + ours 57.25 65.35 82.41 87.13 Coming soon
BERT-base 54.82 67.15 83.47 90.11 model
BERT-base + ours 58.03 69.31 84.20 90.78 Coming soon
BERT-large 60.63 73.65 85.90 91.82 model
BERT-large + ours 61.82 75.09 86.46 92.37 Coming soon
SpanBERT-base 57.48 73.65 85.53 92.71 model
SpanBERT-base + ours 63.77 77.26 86.13 93.31 Coming soon
SpanBERT-large 64.32 78.34 87.89 94.22 model
SpanBERT-large + ours 65.94 79.79 88.16 94.49 Coming soon
RoBERTa-base 61.58 77.60 87.50 92.70 model
RoBERTa-base + ours 65.28 80.50 87.90 93.10 Coming soon
RoBERTa-large 67.98 86.60 90.20 94.70 model
RoBERTa-large + ours 70.90 88.10 90.50 95.00 Coming soon


We make the further analysis by visualizing the models for CV and NLP tasks, where the SoT-Tiny and BERT-base are used as the backbone for each task respectively. We compare three variants base on the SoT-Tiny and BERT-base as follows:

  • ClassT: only classification token is used for classifier
  • WordT: only word tokens are used for classifier
  • ClassT+WordT: both classification token and word tokens are used for classifier based on the sum scheme.

√: correct prediction; ✗: incorrect prediction


We can see the ClassT is more suitable for classifying the categories associated with the backgrounds and the whole context. The WordT performs classfication primarily based on some local discriminative regions. Our ClassT+WordT can make fully use of merits of both word tokens and classfication token, which can focus on the most important regions for better classficaiton by exploiting both local and global information.


We selected some examples from CoLA task, which aims to judge whether an English sentence is grammatical or not. The greener background color denotes stronger impact of the word to the classification, while the bluer implies weaker one. We can see the proposed ClassT+WordT can highlight all important words in sentence while the others two fails, which can help to boost the performance of classification.

Change log






If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact me

[email protected]; [email protected]


SoT: Delving Deeper into Classification Head for Transformer







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