JTSplus artifacts are hosted in Maven Central. You can add a Maven dependency with the following coordinates:
groupId: org.datasyslab
artifactId: JTSplus
version: 0.1.4
JTS Topology Suite 1.14 with additional functions for GeoSpark
- Spatial data partitioning: Add a function in STR-Tree and Quad-Tree to return the leaf nodes bounding envelopes as the boundaries of spatial partitions.
- KNN query: Add K Nearest Neighbors in STR-Tree implementation.
Version | Summary |
0.1.4 | Minor changes: Prepare for GeoSpark Spatial Index customized serializer: (1) Add additional getter and setter for spatial index. (2) Set some index fields as "Public". |
0.1.3 | Geometry toString() appends UserData to Geometry WKT String. Separated by tab. |
0.1.2 | Bug fix: Fix inaccurate equals function. JTS doesn't consider "UserData" when checking the equality between two geometries |
0.1.1 | Bug fix: Fix the inaccurate STR-Tree KNN result when K is large |
0.1.0 | Initial release |
STR-Tree partitioning is as follows:
STRtree strtree = new STRtree();
strtree.insert();//Please insert spatial records
Quad-Tree partitioning is as follows:
Quadtree quadtree = new Quadtree();
quadtree.insert();//Please insert spatial records
STRtree strtree = new STRtree();
strtree.insert();//Please insert spatial records. Make sure you insert Geometry type object (instead of Envelope or others)
strtree.kNearestNeighbors(new Envelope(-98.6361828, -95.0993852,46.88333326666667,48.392923),fact.toGeometry(new Envelope(-98.6361828, -95.0993852,46.88333326666667,48.392923)),new GeometryItemDistance(), 10);
Please refer to JTS plus Java API usage
Please refer to PartitioningQualityAnalysis java file for a detailed example.
Jia Yu (Email: [email protected])
Mohamed Sarwat (Email: [email protected])
JTSplus makes use of JTS Topology Suite Version 1.14 for some spatial computations.
Please refer JTS Topology Suite website for more details.