RetroFlow-Launcher Version 6.1.0
Added two new game views: a 'List view' and a 'Side-scrolling view', both are 2D views using scaled images instead of 3D models. Screenshots here .
When using List view, press DPad right to jump to the recently played / favourites category, or filter categories to only show collections.
More wallpaper background images added, credit to Tech & ALL .
Default colours and background changed to neutral greys.
Analogue scrolling added to menus.
CHD extension support added for RetroArch PS1 core.
Background image sizing improved, thanks to Axce.
Background image position fixed for one of the game views, thanks to Axce.
Polish translations improved, thanks to SK00RUPA.
Bug fixes
Fixed an issue where homebrew was imported when using the favourites feature.
Fixed an issue where some PS1 RetroArch games were imported twice, with the second appearing as 'Eboot' in the game list.
This may be the last / one of the last releases. It's been fun working on the app, but its journey is ending.
Help and FAQ's
Please see the FAQ's page before posting an issue.
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