Lnfc is a helpful nodejs file creator development depandency for node-express-mongoose stack. With LNFC you could generate:
- Models
- Services
- Controllers
- Routes
- Middlewares
Or just 5 files within one folder based on your feature.
With pre-generated CRUD operations enabled
LNFC requires Node.js to run.
Install LNFC as a global npm package.
$ npm install lnfc -g
Make use of the options below along with a name to generate the corresponding file name of the service you want
Option | Description |
m | Creates a model |
c | Creates a controller |
r -m | Creates a router (-m enables a middleware option on your routes) |
s | Creates a service |
w | Creates a middleware |
a | Creates a complete flow of all the options above |
The new update includes the option to create your file structure based on feature rather than that of roles. Just include -f option along with all, just like below;
$ lnfc a -f
This will create a folder based on your feature and all the files needed for that feature within one folder. Productivity, here I come!!!
Free Software, Hell Yeah!