Kidash is a tool for managing Kibana-related dashboards from the command line. The standard GrimoireLab dashboards are available in the Sigils repository.
- Python >= 3.8
You will also need some other libraries for running the tool, you can find the whole list of dependencies in pyproject.toml file.
There are several ways to install Kidash on your system: packages or source code using Poetry or pip.
Kidash can be installed using pip, a tool for installing Python packages. To do it, run the next command:
$ pip install kidash
To install from the source code you will need to clone the repository first:
$ git clone
$ cd grimoirelab-kidash
Then use pip or Poetry to install the package along with its dependencies.
To install the package from local directory run the following command:
$ pip install .
In case you are a developer, you should install kidash in editable mode:
$ pip install -e .
We use poetry for dependency management and packaging. You can install it following its documentation. Once you have installed it, you can install kidash and the dependencies:
$ poetry install
To spaw a new shell within the virtual environment use:
$ poetry shell
- Get a list of all options with:
$ kidash --help
- Import a dashboard:
kidash -g -e <elasticsearch-url>:<port> --import <local-file-path>
example: kidash -g -e https://admin:admin@localhost:9200 --import ./overview.json
- Export a dashboard:
kidash -g -e <elasticsearch-url> --dashboard <dashboard-id>* --export <local-file-path> --split-index-pattern
example: kidash -g -e https://admin:admin@localhost:9200 --dashboard overview --export overview.json
Licensed under GNU General Public License (GPL), version 3 or later.