Book Example Code in [Introduction to 3D Game Programming With DirectX11 by Frank Luna ]
Do not modify the relative directory structure of these samples. In particular, for each project sample, the Common folder must be obtained from it via "../../Common".
Path to DirectX Header files.
../../Common (or Absolute Path to Common)
Path to DirectX Library files.
../../Common (or Absolute Path to Common)
- Command Line
- a) Debug mode: fxc /Fc /Od /Zi /T fx_5_0 /Fo "%(RelativeDir)%(Filename).fxo" "%(FullPath)"
- b) Release mode: fxc /T fx_5_0 /Fo "%(RelativeDir)%(Filename).fxo" "%(FullPath)"
- Description
- a) Debug Description: fxc compile for debug: %(FullPath)
- b) Release Description: fxc compile for release: %(FullPath)
- Outputs
- Outputs: %(RelativeDir)%(Filename).fxo
Effects11d.lib Link Error C:\Program Files\Microsoft DirectX SDK (June 2010)\Samples\C++\Effects11 Build And Link Effects11.lib
Effects11d.lib -> Build FX11-nov2015 project
VS2015 Build Error
- d3dUtil.h, line 38, remove DXTrace macro code
DirectX 11 초기화 오류 아래 사이트를 참조하자.