Northcoders News is a website comprising of user-generated articles in a bulletin board system. This content can be discussed through comments, and each article or comment can be rated by means of a votes system. It was built as part of the Developer Pathway, a 12-week coding bootcamp at Northcoders in Manchester.
The back end layer of Northcoders News offers a CRUD based REST Web API built in Express.js and Node.js, with a postgreSQL database. All data should be received and sent in the JSON format.
The deployed back end can be found at:
The front end can be found at:
- Node.js
- npm
- git
- PostgreSQL
To confirm that you have the prerequisites installed, the following terminal commands should return a version number:
node --version
npm --version
git --version
postgres --version
Clone the project:
git clone
Navigate to the project, and install the dependencies in the local node_modules folder:
npm install
You must create a knexfile.js at the root of the project to connect to the database. Paste the following into the file; Mac OSX users can omit the username and password fields, Linux users must create a new role when installing PostgreSQL and can use those credentials.
const { DB_URL } = process.env;
const ENV = process.env.NODE_ENV || "development";
const baseConfig = {
client: "pg",
migrations: {
directory: "./db/migrations"
seeds: {
directory: "./db/seeds"
const customConfigs = {
development: {
connection: {
database: "nc_news"
// username: "",
// password: "",
test: {
connection: {
database: "nc_news_test"
// username: "",
// password: "",
production: {
connection: `${DB_URL}?ssl=true`
module.exports = { ...baseConfig, ...customConfigs[ENV] };
Create databases:
npm run setup-dbs
Seed databases:
npm run seed
Migrate to the latest version:
npm run migrate-latest
Run the app on http://localhost:9090 using nodemon which automatically restarts the application when file changes in the directory are detected:
npm run dev
A http GET request to http://localhost:9090/api returns a JSON listing all the available endpoints on the API including their request methods, a description, any queries, and an example response.
To run tests on your local machine:
npm test
This will run two tests files, app.spec.js and utils.spec.js using the Mocha test framework. app.spec.js contains tests relating the all of the available API endpoints and their request methods. utils.spec.js contains utility functions which are used for data manipulation.
An example test to /api:
it("GET - status:200 - returns a JSON describing all the available endpoints on your API", () => {
return request
.then(({ body }) => {
expect(body["GET /api"]).to.eql({
"serves up a json representation of all the available endpoints of the api"
Joseph Kempster - Initial work - jkempster34