A jQuery plugin for smooth scroll to target section with active link hilighting. Works bidirectionally i.e on click of link smooth scroll to section and when manually scroll is performed hilight appropriate link based on position of section.
requires jQuery version 3.1.1
The most basic setup is as follows:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<div class="main-container">
<header >
<a href="#sec-1" >home</a>
<a href="#sec-2">profile</a>
<div class="container">
<section id="sec-1" >sec-1</section>
<section id="sec-2" >sec-2</section>
<script src="js/scrollMaster.js"></script>
$("header a").scrollMaster({topOffset: 0})
This is the default configuration:
topOffset: 80
topOffset setting tells plugin, position of section from top where link activation should trigger.