Financial Chat SingnalR
create DataBase en SQLServer, and change the conectionString Inside appsettings.json from FinancialChat.Api (IdentityConnectionString)
Data Source=localhost; Initial Catalog=FinancialSecurity; User Id=sa;Password=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX;
Inside appsettings.json from FinancialChat.Api check bot url (ChatBot), Ip and Ports must be the same executed FinancialChatBot.Api
right click on root solution and properties, startup Project, select Single startup project, and select FinancialChat.Api
Make FinancialChat.Api default project. (right click set as startup project)
in Tools --> Nuget Packaga Manager --> Packaga manager console
in nuget console, Default project select FinancialChat.Identity
update-database -context FinancialChatIdentityDbContext
in nuget console, Default project select FinancialChat.Infrastructure
update-database -context FinancialChatDbContext
right click on root solution then properties, startup Project, select Multiple startup project, select FinancialChat.Api and FinancialChatBot.Api
In the Web application
install angular cli $ npm install -g @angular/cli
inside path from the web aplicacion run: npm install
Chech urls and ports inside enviroments --> enviroment.ts
run web: ng serve --o