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gischat application for HeiGIT's Agile Immersion Camp

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Repository files navigation


Code for the GiScience chat room application.

The user website is here.

Local Build


  • Java >= 17 installed and runnable in path, e.g. via SDKMAN
  • Chrome browser installed and runnable in path

Build and Run on the command line

./gradlew build
java -jar web/build/libs/web.jar

The first build can take some time due to Chrome driver installation.

The website should now be accessible on http://localhost:8080

IntelliJ Configuration

Preferences | Build, Execution, Deployment | Build Tools | Gradle | Build and Run using: Gradle

This makes sure that the frontend is built and copied to the web apps resource folder.

Frontend Development


  • Node 19.1.0
  • npm 8.19.3
  • Chrome browser installed and runnable in path

Install and Build

cd frontend
npm install
npm run build

Run Tests with Karma and Jasmine

Install Karma CLI globally:

npm install -g karma-cli

Continuous test run on headless Chrome - watching file changes:

karma start

Single test run on Chrome:

karma start --single-run --browsers Chrome

IntelliJ Configuration

Preferences | Languages & Frameworks | JavaScript | Code Quality Tools | ESLint | Automatic ESLint Configuration

This will show ESLint errors and warnings already in the editor.

Heroku Deployment


  • Heroku account.
  • Local installation of Heroku CLI.
  • Project has been created with heroku create --stack heroku-22 -a gischat --no-remote.

Manual Deployment

heroku plugins:install java
heroku login
./gradlew build
heroku deploy:jar web/build/libs/web.jar -a gischat
heroku logs --tail

Now the web app is accessible on

Access Open API with

Deployment through GitHub Action

The app is automatically deployed on push. For a manual redeploy click "Deploy App" on

Viewing the Logs

heroku logs -a gischat --tail

Restarting the App

heroku restart -a gischat

Feature Toggles

You can switch on and off features by adding the following query parameter to the app's URL: ?features=feature1,feature2. Leave the list empty to clear all feature toggles.

The state of a feature toggle is saved in the browser's local storage. That's why you only have to add the features query parameter once per browser.

Current Features

Feature Description Default
pychatter Enables the Pychatter Bot Checkbox off