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This pipeline is used for the contstruction of the MaNGA object catalog (MaNGAObj) used in Fu et al. 2018, Steffen et al. 2021, Steffen et al. 2022, and Steffen et al. 2023. The pipeline has the following main steps;

  • Cross-match MaNGA fields with SDSS's photometric catalog (PhotObj)
  • Clean overdeblended sources from PhotObj
  • Add in any missing sources
  • Extract spectra from the MaNGA data-cubes for each PhotObj
  • Build models for the extracted spectra
  • Classify the extracted spectra
  • Build a summary catalog



MaNGA_SpecObj.fits contains our visual classifications for the identified objects along with their positions and r-band mangnitudes from SDSS's photometric catalog. The table is organized into the following columns;

Column Shape Description
PLATEIFU 15592, MaNGA Observation ID
INDEX 15592, Obj Index in IFU (INDEX = 0 is the MaNGA target)
RA 15592, Right Ascension J2000 (deg)
DEC 15592, Declination J2000 (deg)
TYPE 15592, SDSS PhotObj Type
PSFMAG_R 15592, SDSS PSF r mag
PSFMAGERR_R 15592, mag error
PETROMAG_R 15592, SDSS Petro r mag
PETROMAGERR_R 15592, mag error
MODELMAG_R 15592, SDSS Model r mag
MODELMAGERR_R 15592, mag error
MAINTARG 15592, MaNGA Target Galaxy
DIS2OBJ 15592, Sep w/ Primary (")
ZCLASS 15592, Z classification (1=z_corr, 0=z_off, -1=unclass)
SCLASS 15592, Spectral classification (1=galaxy, 2=BLAGN, 3=star, -1=lowSN, -2=defect)


MaNGAObj_aper2arc_v1.fits and MaNGAObj_aper2kpc_v1.fits contain positions and derived parameters for all of our identified objects. The two files are identical except that the derived parameters in MaNGAObj_aper2arc_v1.fits are calculated from a 2 arcsecond diameter circular aperture while the derived parameters in MaNGAObj_aper2kpc_v1.fits are calculated from a 2 kpc diameter circular aperture (where the aperture size is calculated from the object's redshift). These tables have the same organization as MaNGA_SpecObj.fits.

Both data tables have the following columns;

Column Shape Description
RA 15592, Right Ascension J2000 (deg)
DEC 15592, Declination J2000 (deg)
SNR 15592, Signal-to-noise of the stellar continuum
REDSHIFT 15592, redshift
FLUX 15592, 2, 17 Emission line flux (value, Error), (lines)
EW 15592, 17 Equivalent width (lines)
VEL 15592, 2, 17 Gas kinematics (value, Error), (lines)
SIGMA 15592, 2, 17 Gas velocity dispersion (value, Error), (lines)
H3 15592, 2, 17 3rd moment of the Gauss-Hermite series (value, Error), (lines)
H4 15592, 2, 17 4th moment of the Gauss-Hermite series (value, Error), (lines)
AON 15592, 17 Amplitude over noise for 17 emission lines (lines)
SIGMA_OBS 15592, 17 noise calculated from residual spectrum (lines)
EBMV 15592, 2 intrinsic reddening and err (value, error)
KINSTAR 15592, 2, 4 stellar kinematics (Value, error), (velocity, velocity dispersion, H3, H4)
WEIGHTS 15592, 2, 78 weights of SSP templates in units of 1e-30 (value, error), (weights)
M_STAR 15592, 2, 78 stellar mass (value, error), (weights)
CHI2PPXF 15592, Chi^2/DOF from PPXF
CHI2NU 15592, Chi^2/DOF from SPFIT

The extracted emission lines are given below, the index refers to its position in the above tables.

Index Linename Wavelength (A)
0 OII 3730
1 NeIII 3870
2 NeIII 3969
3 Hg 4342
4 OIII 4364
5 HeII 4687
6 Hb 4863
7 OIII 5008
8 NI 5199
9 NaI 5892
10 NaI 5898
11 OI 6302
12 Ha 6565
13 NII 6585
14 SII 6718
15 SII 6733
16 ArIII 7138


The files can be accessed in Python using the package, AstroPy. The table may be opened and columns may be called with the following example code block.

from import fits

mangaobj ='/path_to_file/MaNGA_SpecObj_v1.fits')
obj = mangaobj[1].data

mangaspfit ='/path_to_file/MaNGAObj_aper2kpc_v1.fits')
dat = mangaspfit[1].data

# Right ascensions and declinations
ra = obj['RA']
Dec = obj['DEC']

zclass = obj['zclass']
sclass = obj['sclass']

# plateifus with BLAGN whose redshifts are similar to the MaNGA target
ix = (zclass == 1)&(sclass == 2)
plateifus = obj['plateifu'][ix]

# H-alpha flux and error
flux = dat['flux']

halpha = flux[:,0,12]
halpha_err = flux[:,1,12]

# H-alpha flux of galaxies whose redshifts are similar to the MaNGA target
iy = (zclass == 1)&(sclass == 1)
halpha = flux[iy,0,12]


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