This plugin module provides a simple access to key/vaue store of Consul. This module is a Seneca plugin. For a gentle introduction to Seneca itself, see the site.
Current Version: 0.1.0
Tested on: Node 0.10.36, Seneca 0.6.1
Get and set a key:
console.log( data.value ) // == "red"
return true;
Keys are strings of the form: a/b/c where each / defines a branch of a tree. In simple cases, you can treat keys as simple identifiers and ignore this tree structure. In more complex cases you can use the tree structure as a namespace mechanism. In particular, you can remove and list keys recursively.
console.log( data.keys ) // == [ 'u', 'v' ]
return true;
console.log( data.keys ) // == [ 'u', 'v', 'v/y' ]
return true;
The easiest way to run consul is by running it as docker container.
$ docker run -p 8400:8400 -p 8500:8500 -p 8600:53/udp -h node1 progrium/consul -server -bootstrap
Please take a look at docker-consul for details.
You can specify connection parameters to Consul by passing them as options object when registering the plugin
.use('registry-consul',{host:"localhost", port:"5800"})
The exact parameters ( and their types) are the same as defined by [node-consul] ( init parameters
Set the value of a key.
- key: string; key name
- value: any; key value; serialized to JSON
Response: none.
Get the value of a key.
- key: string; key name
- value: any; key value; deserialized from JSON
List the sub keys of a key, under the tree structure, with / as branch separator.
- key: string; key name or partial prefix name of key to query
- recurse: boolean, optional, default: false; if true, list all sub keys, if false, list only child keys
- keys: array[string]; keys in breadth first order
Remove the value of a key, and optionally all sub keys.
- key: string; key name or partial prefix name of key to remove
- recurse: boolean, optional, default: false; if true, remove value and all sub keys, if false, remove only value
Response: none